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Pelosi’s Failure to Launch Impeach

Green Party challengers urge soon-to-be House Speaker Nancy Pelosi to impeach Bush for “crimes against humanity,” note Pelosi’s failure to support impeachment is betrayal of voters

SAN FRANCISCO (December 8, 2006) – The failure of soon-to-be House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-San Francisco) to call for the impeachment of President George W. Bush and members of his administration should be considered a “betrayal” of her oath of office, said two former Green Party congressional candidates today.

Pelosi, who has stated that impeachment is off the table, should “call George Bush before the U.S. Congress to be fully investigated for high crimes and misdemeanors, including crimes against humanity from Baghdad to Biloxi,” said Krissy Keefer, who opposed Pelosi in November as the Green Party candidate in the 8th CD.

Not only did Keefer receive 7.5 percent of the vote running an anti-war campaign with virtually no budget against an incumbent, San Francisco voters also approved Measure J, which asks their representatives to impeach Bush and vice president Dick Cheney.

And, on Sunday, San Franciscans will be holding a giant “impeachment rally” at UN Plaza.  “The war in Iraq, the botched response to Hurricane Katrina and the erosion of the Constitution cannot be overlooked.  We have the moral responsibility to impeach. Failing to impeach will increase the likelihood that we may get someone capable of such crimes again,” Keefer said.

And, Carol Brouillet, the Green Party candidate for Congress in the nearby 14th CD (Palo Alto), said she believes Pelosi has a “duty and obligation to impeach the Bush Regime. Silence in the face of an avalanche of evidence of criminality would be a betrayal of their oath of office, the people of this country, and our hopes for the future.

“The Bush Administration has flagrantly violated our Constitution, trashed the Bill of Rights, launched illegal, immoral wars, lied about matters of utmost importance to the American people. These people are, truly, terrorists on an unprecedented scale. It is up to us, the people, to force our elected representatives to recognize and adhere to their duty and hold top officials accountable for their heinous crimes, that means impeachment,” Brouillet added.

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