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    Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? eBook

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LICSN 11/07 notes & updates

LICSN – November 19, 2007


Attendance: Scott Carlin, Beth Fiteni, Pastor Vita, Ian Wilder, Linda Freilich.

1. Recommended Resources:

  1. Coal: A Human History by Barbara Freese
  2. Don’t Think of an Elephant: Know Your Values and Frame the Debate–The Essential Guide for Progressives by George Lakoff, Howard Dean, and Don Hazen
  3. Audible.com

2. Models of Social Change: Everett M. Rogers

Rogers achieved academic fame for his Diffusion of innovations theory; his book, Diffusion of Innovations, is now in its fifth edition. He proposed that adopters of any new innovation or idea could be categorized as innovators (2.5%), early adopters (13.5%), early majority (34%), late majority (34%) and laggards (16%), based on Bell curve mathematic division.]

We discussed Climate Change in the context of Rogers theory. Early adopters are the easiest to convince of Climate change. So we need to focus our energies on making sure that early adopters have the resources they need and help reach out to early majority folks. From this perspective it doesn’t make sense to focus much energy on laggards. We would be expending too much energy with too little return.

So the next question becomes how to identify early adopters in our communities and publicize their efforts!

3. 2008 Meeting Location Ideas

  1. Culinary Institute – Riverhead
  2. Neighborhood Network – Farmingdale
  3. Cold Spring Harbor – free for Nonprofits
  4. Think about hosting fewer events and making them stronger events

4. 2008 Goals:

  1. Educational Curriculum Materials. – Linda will explore this as a possible LICSN project area. See Canadian Publication Green Teacher for ideas. What would be exciting for kids?
  2. Focus more in 2008 on Public Events

5. Update on Work with Government Officials from Beth Fiteni

Beth handed out a draft 20-page report with information on each municipality and their energy work in the Clean Energy Leadership Taskforce

Nassau County doing some great projects under Brad Tito.

One idea to expand on is energy service contracts – expand use of renewable and energy efficient technologies, but energy costs won’t rise to municipalities. Private company will pay off up front costs using efficiency savings. Some companies will guarantee $$ performance improvements.

Southampton Town is one municipality where the talk has been more expansive than the action; new town supervisor in 2008 – chance to reengage the town.

Babylon – Steve Bellone – Where are the solar panels on Town Hall? Still not installed as promised.

Action Items:

Follow up the Clean Energy Leadership Taskforce Report with Letters to the Editor promoting town energy projects. There is a nice comparative chart of the different municipalities that information can be used for your letters.

6. New LIPA initiatives

Clean Energy Fund expires next year; Kevin Law is looking into expanding the program – perhaps tripling to $1B future funding.

Discussion of LIPA’s lack of public accountability and the need for an elected board and the low probability of that happening.

Mike Deering – new Environmental Coordinator at LIPA

7. Gordian’s Grant

Beth attended an initial meeting for core leaders.

Looking to train 20-40 volunteers using their Low Carbon Diet program.

Comment – Boy Scouts; Girl Scouts- get them involved in this project; make reducing carbon footprints a Merit Badge program nationally.

8. 2008 Calendar of Events

Scott passed around a draft calendar.

Comments on that calendar included:

1. Have a presentation on the Kiss’ new zero carbon footprint home project

2. What is a green School?

3. Update on Gordian’s project next Fall

4. Look into restrictions on showing DVDs – can they be shown publicly.

5. Commercial Net Metering program

9. Attachments:

1. Draft Calendar for Next Year

The Great


Awakening to

Peak Oil,

Global Warming,

& Ecological Consciousness

Monthly Gatherings of

Films, Speakers, Workshops

February 18, 7 pm

David Korten’s The Great Turning: From Empire to Earth Community – Video Presentation & Discussion

March 17, 7 pm

Community-Based Renewable Energy Systems: Panel Discussion (Speakers ???)

April 21, 7pm

Schools and Solar Energy: Panel Discussion (Dennis Intrevia & )

May 19, 7pm

Joanna Macy: The Great Turning – Video Presentation & Discussion

June 17, 7pm

Race, Ecology, and Hurricanes: Will LI be the next New Orleans? (Speakers..)

July 16, 7 pm

Improving LI’s Public Transit Network (Activists involved in LIRR; & Buses)

September 15, 7 pm

Update on LI Carbon Diets & Local Action Networks (Gordian Raacke)

October 20, 7pm

Update on NYS Energy and Climate Legislation (2 State Assembly Reps)

November 17, 7pm

Climate Change and Drinking Water: Is LI Prepared for Drought? (Speakers)

December 15, 7pm

Holiday Party

2. Update on Step It Up – Garden City event.

Step It Up Event – Garden City

Submitted by David Alexander

Due to LICSN, we had a very successful, enjoyable Step It Up event in Garden City on November 3rd, running from about 3pm to 5:30pm. Step It Up had the theme of taking action in the United States to motivate, encourage, and even pressure our leaders, political or otherwise, to take more effective steps to fight climate change.

I say “due to LICSN” because that is where I met Scott Carlin and Beth Fiteni, and they were the two key speakers for our meeting. You can see a summary of the meeting, and a link to the original flier announcing the event, at http://events.stepitup2007.org/november/reports/2531. Scott presented some material about which I had not seen him speak, regarding societal response to global warming, as well as some talk about the current science. Beth spoke about a variety of community efforts with local governments, and steps that individuals can take. Eric Alexander also spoke briefly, first to introduce the youth contingent that had prepared some gift bags, and then to speak a bit about congestion pricing in New York City.

Our hosts for the event were the Ethical Humanist Society of Long Island, on Old Country Road, and we also had participation by Citizens Campaign for the Environment through our volunteer Dolores, and of course LICSN, Neighborhood Network, and Vision Long Island provided our three speakers. Additional publicity was provided as a moral support by access.office and by It’s BoomerTime.

The reward enjoyed by all attending was the open discussion near the end of our event, which went a half-hour over the scheduled time (but we started 15 minutes late due to set up, so you do the math). There was a wide variety of questions and some answers from the audience, as several members of the audience were either environmental scientists, activists, or involved with construction and implementation of solar energy and other solutions.

Thank you to all who participated – and for the next event, we hope to send out information further in advance, and involve some print media and radio.


Stories Below:

  1. Neighborhood Network Party
  2. Green Drinks – December
  3. First Announcement: Green Living Expo (April 2008)
  4. Youth National Project – Earth Scouts
  5. Scott’s Newsday Story (today)
  6. First Announcement: Jan 30 & 31 – Global Warming Events at CW Post



YOU’RE INVITED: Neighborhood Network’s

Holiday Party! Friday, December 14. 6pm to 10pm at

Molloy College Suffolk Center

7180 Republic Airport

Farmingdale, NY 11735

For Directions see our website:


No Admission Fee, No Awards, No Speeches. Just good people, good food, and good times.

Rsvp to (631) 963-5454


Canvas Magazine www.canvasli.com  and the Footprint Gallery Presents
Nature and Wildlife Photographers of Long Island (NWPLI) http://www.nwpli.com
“Showcasing Long Island’s Natural Beauty”

Open Reception. Sunday December 2, 2007 1pm-5pm
Artists Reception & Green Drinks Long Island Holiday Gathering
Saturday December 15, 2007 4pm to 6pm
Refreshments by Whole Foods Market

Footprint Gallery. 51 Gibwson Avenue , Huntington
North on Rte 110 ( NY Ave ) past Rte 25A ( Main St ); 3rd Right on Gibson Ave
631-351-6480. gallery@canvasli.com



Saturday and Sunday, April 26 – 27, 2008

Suffolk County Community College • Brentwood Exhibition Complex

11 a.m. – 6 p.m. on Saturday • 11 a.m. – 5 p.m. on Sunday


Mission: To unite Long Islanders with green-minded thinkers and potential

business partners. To foster a community of support within the Green

movement, and to introduce Long Islanders to the businesses who

share their views, and to the opportunities available to them. And

most of all, to show both exhibitors and attendees that no matter

where they fall on the Green spectrum there is a fun, interesting and

educated approach to their concerns.


First on LI

Although green living is quickly becoming the only lifestyle choice, this is the first expo of its kind on Long Island . And being held by one of

the longest incorporated festival companies on the east coast, it is the first of at least three Green Living Expo.


Earth Scouts: Declaring Our Interdependence
By super(First Church Communications Team)
It is based on the Earth Charter: A Declaration of Interdependence, with badges centered on universal human rights, eliminating poverty (economic justice), participatory democracy, respect for nature and a culture of peace.
Le Flambeau – http://firstuuno.blogspot.com/





The greening of the suburbs

Making Long Island more eco-friendly will require visionary planning, but the effect could be worldwide


Scott Carlin is an associate professor of geography at the C.W. Post Campus of Long Island University.

December 3, 2007

Last month, Nassau County Executive Thomas Suozzi announced a plan to turn Levittown into America ‘s first green suburb. Sounds like an oxymoron. After all, isn’t consumerism our highest calling? This is still the land of home remodeling, tear-downs, McMansions and SUVs. Here in the land of plenty, green is just an accent color.

Beneath that surface glitz, however, our actions and aspirations are pulling us in opposite directions. In our hearts, we know that bigger is no longer better. We are long overdue for some big shifts in public policy.

The Levittown plan calls for various financial incentives to promote the use of attic insulation, energy-efficient windows and compact fluorescent light bulbs. It’s an excellent first step. But is that what it means to be a green suburb? Is it just a few purchases at Home Depot?

Greening the suburbs is about recalibrating philosophy, technology and public policy so we champion interdependence rather than individualism. The suburbs were born out of an ideology of separation from the city, but the 21st century requires new regional and global partnerships.

Green suburbs will need a new generation of regional plans that are far more visionary than current offerings. The challenge is to reduce total energy consumption dramatically, yet create more enjoyable and healthier communities that reconnect us to nature. Green suburbs will be high-density, mixed use, walkable communities built close to public transportation. In a greener future, cars will be used sparingly – maybe even shared among neighbors instead of being privately owned. Food and energy will be produced locally. The green suburb won’t be an assemblage of individual homesteaders; it will be a mixed-income, ecologically integrated community that promotes natural and cultural diversity.

One way to help get there is to embrace a “healthy bodies, healthy planet” philosophy. We can eat lower on the food chain. Walk more and drive less. We can curb pesticides and promote organic lawns and farms, leaving fewer toxins in the environment and our bodies. Mental health is also a planet saver: By lowering our stress and expanding our compassion, we grow more aware of environmental damage and become stronger proponents for treating life with love and respect.

Another challenge is to develop green fiscal policies. We need to increase the costs we pay for natural resources: Higher prices will lower consumption. Such usage fees – like higher taxes on gas, electricity, forest products and the like – could allow us to cut income taxes, since more revenue would be generated through the fees. But we should avoid cap-and-trade systems that offer windfall savings to big business. Let’s finance greener products through low-interest loans or allow the public to buy expensive products like solar panels for minimal upfront costs. A useful next step for New York would be commercial net-metering, available in states like New Jersey , which allows businesses to sell solar power back to the grid.

We also need to create suburbs with smaller ecological footprints but greater social equity. Today’s suburbs are large consumers of globally produced goods and services. The world’s resources are disproportionately funneled into the metropolitan regions of industrialized nations. Green suburbs need to reverse this trend. Suburban affluence should be an obtainable lifestyle for Earth’s 7 billion people. This requires shifting our attention from “me” to “we.” As Gandhi put it, “Earth provides enough to satisfy every man’s need, but not every man’s greed.”

Finally, suburban communities should explore new partnerships with communities in developing nations, beginning with educational and cultural exchanges. Such relationships will help us to learn that the poorest need trivial sums of money to make dramatic improvements in their standard of living. Our suburbs can easily afford many of these investments. Further down the road, we can make larger changes, like working to rebuild rainforests to offset our own greenhouse gases.

Suozzi’s Levittown plan to transform America ‘s first suburb is an exciting initiative. All Long Islanders should hope this program succeeds, and also that low-interest loans to promote household conservation will become a reality across the region. But truly greening the suburbs will require a bigger shift in values and behaviors. A philosophy of interdependence can help us craft full and satisfying lives that promote human development and protect the Earth.



Addressing Global Warming: Focus the Nation Schedule

Jan 30/31 2008

C.W. Post Campus, LIU


Our CW Post page can be found at:




Creative Expressions Contest

Location: Lobby Area in Hillwood Commons

Co-sponsored by SAFPIC





9:00 pm – Jonny D Lives. 

(Rocknrenew.com) Musical Performance

Location: Humanities Building , Lecture Hall Room 119

Co-Sponsored by the C.W. Post ACP and PEACE





12:30 pmAddressing an Uncertain and Warming Future, a Faculty Panel

Location: Top of the Commons, Hillwood Commons

What should society do about global warming?  What are the possibilities for abrupt and dangerous climate changes?  How serious is this issue from a scientific perspective?  What about the economic costs?   Will the proposed remedies be more damaging to society than small changes in climate?   To what extent should we mitigate climate change or just adapt to it.   Al Gore suggests global warming is the great moral issue of our time.  Is it?  How do contemporary philosophers struggle with the moral implications of this issue? 

·         Vic DiVenere, Associate Professor, Earth & Environmental Science Department

·         Tavis Barr, Assistant Professor, Economics Department

·         Glenn Magee, Assistant Professor, Philosophy Department

·         Moderated by Prof. Mark Pires , Associate Professor, Earth & Environmental Science Department



3:00 pm – Sasha Bezzubov

Location: Hillwood Cinema, Hillwood Commons

“Things Fall Apart: A Series of Landscape Photographs Made in the Aftermath of Natural Disasters”

Sasha is a highly respected international photographer, a two-time Fulbright Scholar, who is represented by galleries in London , L.A. , NYC (see: sashabezzubov.com). 

Co-sponsored by SAFPIC



6:30 pm “Repowering Long Island ”

Location: Hillwood Cinema, Hillwood Commons

            Panel Discussion with:

•               Matt Cordaro

•               Kevin Law, LIPA

•               Supervisor Steve Bellone, Town of Babylon

Co-Sponsored by the C.W. Post Center for Management Analysis

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