Greetings! You’re invited to Movie Night
This Saturday, November 25th, 9:00pm
Cinema Arts Centre, Huntington
HealthyPlanet invites you to join us at the Saturday night, 11/25 showing of the just-released movie,
Fast Food Nation
A dramatic feature based on material from the incendiary book Fast Food Nation, a no-holds-barred exploration of the fast food industry that ultimately revealed the dark side of the ‘all American meal’.
A discussion and Q & A will follow with HealthyPlanet President & Director of the Healthy School Lunch Program,
Bob DiBenedetto
“Richard Linklater’s Fast Food Nation is major. It’s an angry movie that could shame a Big Mac lover into having a salad. Yet while it feels like a call to arms, the movie’s glamourless style and the conditions it describes are so stark you go home spent. That’s an outcome more American directors should risk.”
— Wesley Morris, Boston Globe 11/06
See what the New York Times had to say about Fast Food Nation.
This Saturday, November 25th, 9:00pm
Cinema Arts Centre, Huntington
For more information, see the Cinema Arts Centre website.
For directions to the event, click here.
If you’re unable to join us on Saturday night, don’t miss this opportunity to see this film. It will be playing at the Cinema Arts Centre through the 30th of November.
We wish you a Happy Thanksgiving and look forward to seeing you on Saturday night!
Call (631) 421-5591, or
Visit the HealthyPlanet website.
Don’t forget to mark your calendar for HealthyPlanet’s New Year’s Dinner/Lecture on January 13th with world renowned health expert and Director of the Hippocrates Health Institute, Dr. Brian Clement, speaking on New Year & Opportunity for Vibrant Health!.
Filed under: counter-recruiting, Death Penalty, Ecology, Environment, events, film, Food, health, local, More Events Calendars, Our Favorite Radio Stations, rants, sustainability Tagged: | Chemicals and Fertilizers, Environment, feast, harvest, Meatless, Movies, obesity, Peace Sign Sunflower, Peace SunFlower, Sun, turkey
just watched Fast Food Nation, it’s impactful to say the least… earlier today i passed up a sausage mcmuffin because of it. Evidently it is worth passing up fast food for more than health reasons.