Attend the Emergency Summit
in New York City
to Impeach Bush and Cheney
The Green Party of the United states is the only party calling for Impeachment, and we have since before the war in Iraq began. We have a petition to impeach Bush and Cheney at www.gp.org/action/index.shtml. Please consider signing on to this important effort and if you have already signed – please let your friends and family members know they too can sign.
Rebecca Rotzler, Deputy Mayor of New Paltz, NY is a member of the Green Party of the United States Steering Committee and Co-Chair who will be leading a workshop at the summit on behalf of the Green Party. Please consider attending the summit to show your support for Impeachment and for the Green Party.
The following is information on the Summit:
Saturday & Sunday, February 17 & 18 New York City
Saturday 9am-10pm; Sunday 10-6
Join activists, leaders, academics, and writers including David Swanson, Bob Fertik, Steve Cobble, Laura Flanders of Air America radio, Sunsara Taylor, Dennis Loo, Ted Glick, Liam Madden, Daphne Wysham and many more.
Saturday location (9am – 10pm):
West Park Presbyterian Church
165 West 86th at Amsterdam, on Manhattan’s upper west side – take the 1 train to W. 86th.
Sunday location (10am – 6 pm):
Synagogue for the Arts
49 White St. (3 blocks south of Canal, between Broadway and Church)
REGISTER NOW: http://tinyurl.com/36xuqf
Saturday plenary, workshops and evening program. Sunday plenary and strategy break-outs on how to advance the movement for impeachment this spring, including among youth and students, the religious community, and others. Stay for a special Sunday afternoon forum: After Bush, What? featuring presenters from differing political perspectives within this movement.
Workshops include:
Become an Expert in the Bush Regime’s Crimes
Banner Drops and other Creative Protest
Strategies & Grounds for Impeachment
Legal Action Against Bush and Cheney
Make Hip-Hop, Not War
Why the US has Iran in its sights: How do we Stop an Attack on Iran?
Saturday 7pm Evening program: Impeach Bush for War Crimes with Cindy Sheehan, Rev. Lennox Yearwood, Debra Sweet, David Swanson, Ramsey Clark
Everyone who sees the need and opportunity to remove George Bush and his regime from office for its crimes and repudiate his program needs to be at this conference to plan how to accomplish this in 2007. Suggested registration fee: $25-$50 per person; students/low income: $10-$20.
Co-sponsors to date:
Brooklyn Greens
Gold Star Families for Peace
Grandmothers Against the War
Granny Peace Brigade
Green Party of the United States
Hip Hop Caucus
National Lawyers Guild – NYC Chapter
New York Greens
Not In Our Name
Progressive Democrats of America
Women’s International League for Peace and Freedom, NYC Chapter 9-11Truth.org
Bill Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn, Cynthia McKinney, Laura Flanders.
Help make this happen. If you want to suggest or plan a workshop, contact summit@worldcantwait.org or 866-973-4463.
Filed under: 9-11, Action Alert!, activism, Anti-War, nature, Political Websites, president, reform, third party, US Politics Tagged: | book of the month, nature, third parties, vegetarien
yeah see you there! not