We say:“GIVE THE GRADUATESof the Merchant Marine AcademyA FUTURE WITHOUT WAR.”
Join us at a
Peace Vigil
MONDAY, JUNE 1910 a.m. to 12 p.m. (rain or shine)
LOCATION: Assemble at 9:15 a.m. on Bayview Ave. between the Great Neck Library parking area and Old Mill Rd. (sidewalk east side of road) Our message to the President: STOP THE WAR! STOP THE BUSH AGENDA!
Directions: LI Expressway to Exit 33. Take Lakeview Road north. At Northern Blvd. Lakeview becomes Middle Neck Road. Continue on Middle Neck to Old Mill Rd. (Temple Beth-El in on NW corner). Turn left onto Old Mill Rd. to Bayview Ave. Parking on Bayview and side streets.
Co-sponsors: ACORN, Code Pink LI, East End Direct Action, Ethical Humanist Society of LI, Five Towns Forum, Great Neck SANE/Peace Action, Interfaith Alliance—LI Chapter, Iraq Veterans Against the War, Jobs With Justice, LI Alliance for Peaceful Alternatives, LI Progressive Coalition, Military Families Speak Out Connecticut, New Jersey, and New York Chapters, North Country Peace Group, North Fork People of Conscience, Pax Christi LI, PeaceSmiths, Planned Parenthood of Nassau County, Reach Out America, SOA Watch of LI, Social Justice Alliance of Stony Brook, South Country Peace Group, Suffolk Peace Network, Veterans for Peace, Vietnam Veterans Against the War, Womanspace (list in formation).
For information: 516-741-4360 or 516-466-9840, www.longislandpeace.org
Filed under: Action Alert!, activism, social & economic justice, To Study Up On Nonviolence Tagged: | book of the month, Uncategorized
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