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    Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire: The Ultimate Fan Guide [Kindle] $0.99.

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    Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire:  Ultimate Fan Guide

    Georgiana is the subject of the movie "The Duchess" (currently on Netflix) and a relative of the young Prince and Princess of Cambridge. Get the Ultimate Fan Guide -- with plot points, history, and what happened to the historical characters -- for only 99 cents!

  • Green Party Peace Sign Bumper Sticker

    Green Party Peace Sign Bumper Sticker
    The Green Party has continually opposed entry into war and has consistently called for the immediate return of our troops, in stark contrast to the Democratic and Republican parties.
    Today we march, tomorrow we vote Green Party.

  • Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened?

    Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? ebook cover


    Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? eBook

    Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? eBook on Amazon

    Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? eBook

    Reflections on Occupy Wall Street, with photos, fun, and good wishes for the future. eBook, Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? (Only $.99 !) In the eBook, the Occupy movement is explored through original reporting, photographs, cartoons, poetry, essays, and reviews.The collection of essays and blog posts records the unfolding of Occupy into the culture from September 2011 to the present.  Authors Kimberly Wilder and Ian Wilder were early supporters of Occupy, using their internet platforms to communicate the changes being created by the American Autumn.

    The eBook is currently available on Amazon for Kindle;  Barnes & Noble Nook ; Smashwords independent eBook seller; and a Kobo for 99 cents and anyone can read it using their Kindle/Nook Reader, smart phone, or computer.

Immigration and your school: Tell your district how you feel

Sample letter to school districts about respecting all students (including immigrant students) is at the bottom.

How did you feel when it was proposed that ICE — federal immigration agents with guns — would be allowed to enter schools under the current, Orange Administration?

I was devasted. I have been a child advocate and immigration advocate for many years. I constantly lobby my school district for progressive changes and I ran for school board several years ago.

I wrote a letter to my school board to express my wishes that children — both citizens and noncitizens — would be safe in our school. (I am pleased to report that my school district did end up distributing an excellent letter that revealed a positive, pro-immigrant, pro-child approach to keeping students safe from the feds at school.)

I realized that my letter might be useful to other people who wish to create letters or spoken presentations at their own school boards. Please, please, feel free to borrow, copy paste, and use my letter below as you like, as a starter for your own letter.

It might also be helpful for you to look into what your state government has announced in regards to how your state wishes to safeguard students from the violence and intrusion of possible ICE raids. In New York State, Governor Kathy Hochul, Attorney General Letitia James, and the New York State Education Department put out an excellent joint statement asserting the rights of immigrant students to an education, and the right of all children to attend school without fear.

New York State Guidance on Safeguarding the Rights of Immigrant Students

Kind regards,
Kimberly Wilder
Coordinator, Riverhead Areas School Info/Riverhead RASi


Dear [Insert School District Name],

[I write to you as a (parent) (resident of our district) (concerned student) (faculty member) (etc).]

Every society needs a place for vulnerable people to hide when there is conflict, violence, or war swirling about.

In the Middle Ages, it was traditional, that no one would enter a church, if the clergy decided to give someone sanctuary there.

In current times, even during war, most countries will respect the boundary line of soldiers or bombs not entering a school or a hospital. (It is not always the case. But, most people believe it to be a moral imperative and a way to protect vulnerable people.)

Where does our Riverhead Community draw the line of who can be protected from the possible collateral damage of crime-fighting violence? and how big a circle of safety should be drawn around young children?

The current political atmosphere seems to mean that a federal agency may be coming to hunt down people who they believe committed crimes such as stealing, or of crossing a border without papers. It has been said that Congress is considering new immigration laws as soon as this week. And, there are some federal policies which the new President can change almost immediately about ICE entering schools. So, where do we – as parents, as school leaders, as a community — feel it is safe and okay for federal agents with weapons to search for and/or confront suspected criminals?

(ie: immigrants who are suspected of “theft”)

Most people would not want their young children, or even young adults, to be in the middle of a crime scene, in the middle of the day, as our children are trying to learn.

The whole purpose of a school is to help young people. At school, young people come who are seeking the value of an education. The young people who attend school understand that they will be asked to do work and to live in a learning community.

Also, at a school, especially at an elementary school, parents leave their children somewhere all day expecting that caring adults will keep them safe, in a place made for learning, fun, and personal growth.

School cannot be a battleground or a war zone.

I am asking our school administrators, our school legal counsel, and our school board to protect the sanctity of the school as a learning community and a safe space.

If we do not make our school a “sanctuary space” and a “safe space” for children, then, the peace of mind of every student and every parent will be harmed. If we do not do everything we can to keep out of our schools federal agencies hunting for suspected criminals, then people may stop bringing their children to school. (That includes immigrant parents may worry about direct attacks on their children and communities, but also, every single parent, as they realize that their child is in the same hallway or lunchroom or classroom as the people being confronted by armed, federal agents.)

I hope that our school already has good processes and policies in place about what to do if the federal law enforcement or ICE asks about a student. Even more important, what to do if a federal agency dared to try to come take a staff member or student from our school building.

If we do not have such a policy, I request that we create one now. And, I request that our policies in this regard make our school a safe place and a sanctuary for all students, staff, and faculty.

Thank you for all you do for our school and community.

Yours Truly
[Signature and Date]


Is our North Fork community inviting to people whose ancestors were “servants and slaves”?

Is our North Fork community inviting to people
whose ancestors were “servants and slaves”?
With apologies for the languaging in my title. It is a quote.)

Some of us can conjure in our minds examples of communities broadcasting “you are not welcome” messages to people who may be outsiders, poor, or from different cultural or racial groups. A stark example I remember is living down south, and being told that a lawn jockey outside a home at the bottom of the mountain, meant that people of color were not welcome to continue up to that mountain community.

It turns out, all across America, some communities and organizations have specifically used historical markers to convey the “keep out” message to certain groups of people.

Alternately, there are some places where the current residents probably wish to be open and inclusive, but relics of the past send out different messages. I feel that it is important to be sensitive to these messages, and to remove or replace them. I hope that majority groups will understand the hurt and harm that these messages may send to passersby.

I stumbled upon an upsetting historical marker, by a roadside in eastern Long Island, a short drive from my home. The marker had been placed there by a local historical society in order to allow people to study an old home from the outside. (I believe that it was placed sometime in the 2000’s.) The marker nonchalantly describes the work of studying artifacts from wealthy families and “their servants and slaves.”

That old phrase, “their servants and slaves”, should not be used in any modern retelling of history. No human being should be referred to as a “slave”. The more acceptable and more current way to say it (and to reflect on what truly happened) is “an enslaved person”– a person, a human being, who has tragically been enslaved by others.

To call someone a servant is also considered insulting. When describing any person or group of people, one should probably use “person-first language.” So, perhaps, the marker should say, “people who worked for the family.” Another option is to say “domestic worker.” I feel like this point is especially important, considering that some people in eastern Long Island communities currently employ nannies and other domestic workers. What happens in a wealthy employer’s heart as they read such a marker? How would someone working on the North Fork today, say as a nanny, feel as they read such a marker?

A thoughtful response

I reported my observation and concerns to the nonprofit who is in charge of the site’s upkeep. I feel encouraged that a contact person emailed me back with reflections on the organization’s mission and path towards diversity measures, and with concern about how to rectify the historical marker. It turns out that the plastic and wood sign was part of a grant from several years ago, I think in the 2000’s. At the time, the language was considered acceptable. It sounds like the organization is probably open to fixing the situation. I plan on checking up.

The contact person also sent me some fascinating articles which informed me about the wider problem of historical markers. One interesting article is: Historical markers in America: the good, the bad and the quirky. NPR. April 22, 2024.

How much does this marker matter? What does it reveal?

It is so important to preserve history. And, also, important to learn from history.

These tasks of preserving and learning are so intertwined, and so complex, that sometimes, our organizations and communities are burdened by the responsibility to do both.

Though, I do hope that finding these overlooked, unkind words can help some people awaken to deep injustices in history which not only shaped our world in the past, but may cast light on injustices that still linger in our world today.

The words that I found, while looking for respite on a bench on the side of the road, are clearly not the only words or symbols from the past which insult minority groups and perpetuate injustice. The article from NPR and some recent examples of local conflict — such as concerns in 2022 at the Suffolk County Historical Society – remind us that deep injustice creates a deep need for revising history and healing wounds.

As a poet and ruminator, I can’t help but wonder what it has meant for these words, “their servants and slaves” to remain on a path by the road, all of these years, without being questioned and challenged. I even found the words of the sign collected on a website celebrating markers and plaques from around the country.

I do hope that people will take the time to reflect on these words now. And, I hope that the organization responsible for the upkeep of the house and markers will think of a quick way to alter them to something more respectful.

Author Kimberly Wilder is a resident of Riverhead, Long Island, NY. Ms. Wilder is a poet, community organizer, and essayist. If you are interested in learning more about the specific historical marker described or where it is located, please contact Ms. Wilder at: kilovesmusic AT gmail DOT com.


Fuller quotation from the historical marker:

“The interior furnishings reflect a wealthy household. The artifacts and reproductions allow visitors to experience the lifestyles of the 17th century families (Budd, Horton, Wickham), their servants and slaves.”



What can you do to stop Matt Gaetz from becoming Attorney General?

Could Matt Gaetz possibly become Attorney General of the United States?
No. Women must not let him.

“Now is the time for all good women to come to the aid of their country – and themselves.”

Matt Gaetz, whose reputation is polluted by multiple allegations of sexually harassing women, must not be Attorney General of the United States. Women can stop him. If you do not see a way that works for you on this list, please create and take an action of your own.

[In addition, you can sign a petition from the group Civic Shout: here.]

Each woman in our country has the rights afforded to her under the United State Constitution. With those rights comes power, and we must think about how to use that power now to keep ourselves safe from Matt Gaetz. In addition we have the power of our souls as human beings. That power we have as human beings includes rights granted to us under the Universal Declaration of Human Rights. Some women are lucky and successful enough to have the power of an elected office. “Now is the time for all good women to come to the aid of their country.”

What can grassroots, American women do to make sure Matt Gaetz does not harm them or women?

What can women who have cases that the Attorney General of the United States is working on do?

What can female government employees do to make sure Matt Gaetz does not intimidate, prey on, oggle, or harm them?

What can female elected officials do to make sure Matt Gaetz does not intimidate, humiliate, prey on, oggle, or harm them? Read more »

The Lipstick Revolution: Stick It To The Politicians!

Are you ready for a lipstick boycott? Read more (you don’t have to give it up entirely!)

The Lipstick Revolution

Stick It To The Politicians: No Lipstick ‘Til New Year’s

-Women and their supporters are asked not to buy lipstick from now until New Year’s.

-Women know we deserve better than what happened in this election cycle.
-Women meant to have their big chance to say NO to overturning Roe v Wade
and YES to our reproductive freedom. But, this election resulted in a big loss to women.

Starting right now – in the aftermath of our lost election– starting right now, and up until the New Year, we will strive ourselves, and we will ask other women and men of goodwill, not to wear or purchase any lipstick.

The ultimate request of this campaign is to have everyone stop buying lipstick entirely and stop wearing lipstick entirely from now until January 1, 2025. But…

Read more »

Sunday 11/10: Women’s Circle and Playdate to reflect on election loss

Archival photo with statue from Seneca Falls

Come to our Women’s Circle/Playdate

A group of us met the day after election day to reflect and mourn the outcome. We enjoyed friendship, consolation, and pumpkin bread. We realized that more friends might be able to come over the weekend, so we are doing it again!

Day: This Sunday, November 10, 2024
Time: 2pm Read more »

Election Aftermath: How are you feeling (and two items)

How are you feeling about the election outcome of last night? Please feel free to leave comments, your feelings, or comforting thoughts for us in the comment section!!!

Some friends in Riverhead and I are having a quick-response-Women’s Circle to reflect on the election. Wonder if any of you are finding time to do that???? (Or, to have lunch with a friend who is also experiencing feelings of loss and mourning about the election results?)

Our family is feeling it pretty hard. The statement that the New York State organization of the Civil Liberties Union put out cheered me up a bit with its feisty response to the next term:

NYCLU on Reelection of Donald Trump

‘We Demand Control of Our Freedoms, not the Fascist-in-Chief. We are Ready.’

November 5, 2024


NEW YORK – In response to the reelection of Donald Trump to the presidency, the New York Civil Liberties Union issued the following statement attributable to Executive Director Donna Lieberman:

“The reelection of Donald Trump is an unprecedented threat to our rights and liberties and the values to which New York and the country should aspire. His movement, rooted in racism, misogyny, bigotry, and domination, seeks to ban abortion, jail and deport immigrants and separate families, criminalize protest, abolish public education, undermine the voting process, target trans people – and the list of outrages goes on.

“With fewer guardrails this time, New Yorkers are worried and angry. But we are also resolute: We demand control of our futures and our freedoms, not the fascist-in-chief.

“The NYCLU and ACLU are ready for that fight. During the first Trump administration we took on Donald Trump and won.

“The NYCLU helped beat back his Muslim Ban and rigging of the Census, rescued immigrant children taken in the dead of night and held thousands of miles away, ended indefinite ICE detention in New York, and helped hundreds of thousands of New Yorkers speak out, know their rights, and take action. We defied Trump’s movement by updating New York’s inadequate abortion law, delivering long-overdue reforms to the criminal system, winning the most progressive state voting rights act in the country, adding new state protections for LGBT New Yorkers, and more.

“Come Inauguration Day, the NYCLU is ready. We will see the Trump administration in court, we will continue to protect and advance our freedoms in the legislature and in the streets, and we will grow our movement for democracy and inclusion.”



This post attempts to answer the questions:

How will we survive this election loss?

How will women survive this election loss?

How are women feeling after the election loss?

What should we do next?

Who will fight Donald Trump?

Can Donald Trump be stopped?

Election Day poem by a Long Islander, written 11/5/2024

Voting day at Stotzky Park

The music fooled me
Into feeling everything was okay,
When I put our little Toyota into the park
At the playground
As the kids’ water boiled over.
We began our adventure over
Acorn pebbled paths.
Autumn zephyrs rustled the leaves
and the breezes of my mind blew
toward the magnolias
Forever green
but now lacking
Their clean fragrant flowers.
The excited screams of swing sets
And slides reflected my monologue
Became the music of my impatience.
Could this country bloom again
It’s clean fragrant blossoms?

                           poem by Joshua Benedict

written 11/05/2024,
the afternoon of election day

Tuesday, November 5, 2024 is election day! Where to vote…

Hope that all our readers will vote! (And, maybe drive a friend to the polls.)

Please remember to keep the health, safety, and freedom of all the women you love in your heart as you vote!

For New Yorkers: You can look up your election polling site at the NYS Board of Elections here:
NYS BOE Lookup

For all Americans: You can look up your polling place at an official US government website here:
USA Vote

More info and hints from Kimberly Wilder:

Suggestions for write-ins to conquer unfair party bosses in New York and in Suffolk County:

For New York State Supreme Court, 10th Judicial District:
Write in “Jay Jacobs”, “Richard Schaffer” and 6 other people you admire.

For Suffolk County Court Judge:
Write in “Richard Schaffer” and someone you admire.

For NY State Assembly in Riverhead and Eastern Long Island
, Assembly District 2:
Write in “Richard Schaffer”

For the reasons why I am suggesting the above, you can see our other post at Wilderside here:
Playing Tricks on Annoying Major Party Leaders


Playing tricks on annoying major party leaders in Suffolk and NY State

Major party bosses got you down? Are you a Democrat who feels like you have to fight your own party to be progressive? Are you a Republican who wishes that you could return to the more noble strains of your party’s history?

In Suffolk County, New York, there are some easy ways to slap back at the party bosses. You can categorically reject their candidates and write-in their own boss’s names to shame them when they have given you no choice and no hope.

The two strategies below are easy ones in Suffolk County. No one could argue that your vote is needed, because all the candidates are hand-picked and cross-endorsed. There is no way to check the boxes and have any effect on the outcome of the race…

For New York State Supreme Court, 10th Judicial District:
Write in “Jay Jacobs”, “Richard Schaffer” and 6 other people you admire.

For Suffolk County Court Judge: Write in “Richard Schaffer” and someone you admire.

And, of course, feel free to adapt this strategy to your own ballot, to your own locality, to your own races where the party bosses have given you absolutely no choice of candidates — like, “Pick 3” and there are only 3 names, or “Pick 8” and there are only 8 names, scattered around various parties and some names listed more than once.

Longer, Suffolk, Explanation: Read more »

Presidential Votes for Women t-shirt (and Suffs on Broadway)

Come buy our very fun “Presidential Votes for Women” t-shirt, with a layered message, and a wink to the Suffragettes! We have it for sale (in white background or blue background) at a print-on-demand website.

If you buy it this weekend, you should get it a few days before election day! (Maybe in time for the November 2nd Women’s March?)

This shirt would also make a wild fashion statement if worn on Broadway to Suffs The Musical! (Thanks to whoever got the Suffs on to Broadway when a tribute to the Suffragists and Suffragettes is so needed! Women, let’s gather together and vote!)

How did this project unfold?

My name is Kimberly Wilder. I am a poet, a former Green Party candidate, a progressive and third party activist, and a former organizer of a coffee house with the theme of peace, justice, and the environment. I have been a participant in Women’s March activities. I want Roe v Wade back!

I want to inspire everyone — but especially women — to get out the vote in a way that will help restore our reproductive rights and bring back at least the level of civil rights women had with Roe v. Wade. Read more »

Write-In Richard Schaffer to save democracy!

Richard Schaffer for Assembly District Two

There is no good candidate for NY State Assembly in District Two.

So, instead of feeding into the political games of party leaders, please take the time to write in “Richard Schaffer” for Assembly District 2: Call him out. Name his game. And, don’t let the major parties thwart our democracy by gaming and/or trading races.
Read more »

Improving healthcare in New York: Petition on improving discharge practices

Picture by: Mangocove

New York State has an important law called Patients’ rights. One important section is about a patient’s right to participate in their discharge planning and to receive discharge papers. This right is critical to uphold, so that a patient can dispute being “evicted” from a hospital or emergency room if the patient or their advocate does not feel like they can or should leave.

I ran up against a huge problem trying to assert the right of a loved one I was advocating for to receive discharge papers when he was treated at Huntington Hospital/Northwell Health Emergency Room. I hope you might sign the petition to address the problems I experienced and to fix hospital discharge practices in New York: http://change.org/hospitaldischarge

My loved one has dementia and Traumatic Brain Injury/TBI. He could not sign any of the hospital papers for himself, nor give clear information about his needs. Then, when I tried to advocate for him, I was denied the right to speak to a doctor at all. And, I was stubbornly denied any discharge papers. Read more »

Please sign: Petition to Save the Dual Language Program

Why this petition matters?

<<The Dual Language Program at Riverhead Central School District has been a beacon of innovation and success since its inception. This program, established by a professional consultant, has been instrumental in fostering bilingual education and cultural understanding in our four early elementary schools. However, the proposed personnel and budget cuts for the 2024/2025 school year threaten to dismantle this valuable program…>>

If you are a resident of the Riverhead Central School District (which does include area in some surrounding towns, of course), signing this petition will be double-extra-super-powerful! Though, we invite anyone to sign from anywhere in the world who cares about innovative, bilingual programs, and school programs designed as cultural bridges between English Speakers and English Learners.

We received 180 signers in support in three days! That is awesome! Please add your name! And, share on social media!



A Three Minute Study in the proposed changes…

[See video below for current updated specifics and future updates. The district says they have not decided on everything. But, they are definitely saying it moves from our four elementary schools to just one elementary location.]


The above is a link to the Youtube video of what the Acting Assistant Superintendent for Business said at the 3/19/24 board meeting last night. It should start at the place she explained the dual language program. (But, you can study before, during, and after if you like.)

Also, if you do not like to click on links, or it does not work, please go to the school district web site BOE Meeting Information, find the 3/19 meeting, and click on “video”. That will take you to the Youtube. Please watch from 2:46:24 to 2:49:12 In less than three minutes, you can do your own fact checking.

PeaceSmiths Coffeehouse Fri 12/1/23

PeaceSmiths peace and justice coffeehouse offers music, poetry, and Open Mic time!
See “My Privilege” a Poet’s Theater piece about Long Island

PeaceSmiths Coffeehouse
Friday, December 1, 2023
at 8pm

Music: The band, “Friends”, with Steve Spinner. Covers of Dylan, Neil Young, and more. Musician Steve Spinner has played at PeaceSmiths before in the Open Mic and as a featured Performer!

Poetry: “My Privilege” a Poets Theater piece by Kimberly Wilder
Actor: Jim Navarre (Local actor and activist)

Disparaging comments about Latinos stir up controversy
in two Long Island communities (Riverhead and Brentwood).
Meet the man who does not care.

Open Time: Maybe you!

Bring your song, dance, poem, harangue or whatever it is you do!

$7 at the door

PeaceSmiths is held at…

First United Methodist Church, Amityville
25 Broadway, Amityville, NY, United States, New York
(The southernmost part of Rt. 110)
( “The Last Church on the Left”)