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League of Women Voters excludes candidates

This is why the League of Women Voters is now irrelevant. All independent statewide candidates have to get the signatures of 15,000 voters to get on the ballot. That’s more than enough voter support.

Polling numbers are a circular fiction. The corporate media does not cover non-corporate candidates, so the public does not hear about them. The polls often do not even mention the non-corporate candidates by name. then they say that the non-corporate candidates are not polling.

If they really wanted to have voters hear about the issues they should have every candidate on the debate. Four years ago, Green Party governor candidate Stanley Aronowitz was the only candidate to talk about the mess the state budget is in. This mess was not officially revealed until after the election. The corporate media acted like it was some type of surprise, and that they had been betrayed by their own corporate candidates.

Among other things, this year both corporate governor candidates support the death peanlty, but the Green Party candidate does not.

Contact the League at www.lwvny.org and tell them to include all the candidates.

League of Women Voters Announces Fall Debate Schedule Zogby International to poll on candidates and issues

ALBANY, New York – The League of Women Voters of New York State (LWVNYS) has scheduled a series of debates for candidates running for U.S. Senator, Governor, and state Attorney General, as part of the LWVNYS’s efforts to
provide voters with substantive, nonpartisan information about candidates for whom they will be voting this fall. Zogby International will co-sponsor the debates and conduct polling on the candidates and issues in each

The debates are set for this fall before the September primary election and the November general election. Polling will be done in advance of the November general election.

The statewide League organization is working with local Leagues across the state to organize the events.

“Two-thousand six is a crucial election year in our state, and the LWV is working to provide the public with the information needed to make informed decisions,” said Marcia A. Merrins, President of the LWVNYS. “We hope the
candidates will take advantage of the opportunity to participate in these debates to make their cases to the voters and discuss the important, substantive issues that are affecting people’s lives.”

The LWVNYS is working with media partners to ensure that the debates will be televised statewide. The debates, including party primary debates, will be open to candidates of the five parties recognized in New York, and may
include other candidates who wage significant campaigns and meet pre-determined qualifications. Invitations have been sent to candidates who have announced their intentions to run for statewide office.

The debates are part of the LWV’s Voter Resource Network, a multi-media effort to provide voters with election information. The LWV will once again produce a statewide Voters Guide and will be going online with a campaign

information Web site this summer. For more information on all LWVNYS activities, please visit its Web site at www.lwvny.org.

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