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Tell the Senate to Support Better Fuel Economy


The average fuel economy of American automobiles has stagnated for over 20 years, despite advances in vehicle technology. Current gasoline prices coupled with concerns about our nation’s energy security have resulted in renewed momentum in the Senate for action on fuel economy standards. Two important measures have recently been introduced that, while using different approaches, would both improve auto fuel economy if consistently implemented. The Feinstein-Snowe “Ten-in-Ten” bill requires a fleet average of 35 miles per gallon for cars, SUVs, and pickups by 2017. The Obama-Lugar-Biden Fuel Economy Reform Act mandates an annual increase in overall fleet fuel economy of four percent. Please send a letter to your senators today urging them to cosponsor both of these important fuel saving bills.

Subject: Support Fuel Economy Bills–S. 3543 and S. 3694

Dear Senator,

I urge you to cosponsor the Feinstein-Snowe “Ten-in-Ten” bill, S. 3543, which requires a fleet average of 35 miles per gallon (mpg) for all cars and trucks by 2017, and the Obama-Lugar-Biden Fuel Economy Reform Act, S. 3694, which mandates an annual increase in overall fleet fuel economy of four percent.

Both of these bills seek meaningful improvements in U.S. fuel economy, but they approach these improvements in different ways. If the fuel economy increases of either of these bills were consistently implemented, it would represent a significant breakthrough on a policy that has remained stagnant for decades.

Increasing the fuel economy of today’s vehicles is the most effective way to reduce America’s dependence on oil, save consumers money at the pump, and reduce global warming pollution.

I currently have few fuel efficient choices for cars, minivans, or SUVs because fuel economy averages have remained unchanged for decades. This situation has created a “lose-lose” situation for both American consumers and American automakers.

There is a better way. Cost-effective technologies already exist that could provide drivers like me better fuel economy in all vehicle classes while maintaining both performance and safety. For our struggling automakers, investing in increased fuel economy would revitalize the industry. According to a study by the Union of Concerned Scientists, increasing U.S. fuel economy to 40 mpg by 2015 would create over 160,000 jobs across the nation and save Americans $23 billion dollars annually at the pump.

I urge you to join the diverse co-sponsors of S. 3543 and S.3694 and support meaningful improvement in U.S. fuel economy standards.


More Information:
Increasing the fuel economy of cars and trucks is the fastest and cheapest way to reduce U.S. oil dependence, simultaneously saving consumers money, increasing our national security, and reducing our greenhouse gas emissions. Concerns about U.S. energy security combined with volatility in oil-producing regions has spurred Congressional action on this issue. Earlier this year, the Senate focused on more general efforts to increase overall oil savings with the bipartisan Fuel Choices for American Security Act, (H.R. 4409/S. 2025). Sustained high gas prices, however, have led to new movement to deal with fuel economy specifically, as the Boehlert-Markey CAFE bill has gained over 100 cosponsors.This momentum has led to new action on the Senate side with two new bipartisan fuel economy bills—the “Ten in Ten” Fuel Economy Act (S. 3543) and the Fuel Economy Reform Act (S. 3694). Although both bills approach fuel economy increases differently, both could represent a significant breakthrough on a policy that has remained stagnant for decades. More…

One Response

  1. The website above will certainly make a difference in fuel economy. Check out the blog. Why wait for 2017 when you can get 70-80 mpg today!

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