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    Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? eBook

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    Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? eBook

    Reflections on Occupy Wall Street, with photos, fun, and good wishes for the future. eBook, Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? (Only $.99 !) In the eBook, the Occupy movement is explored through original reporting, photographs, cartoons, poetry, essays, and reviews.The collection of essays and blog posts records the unfolding of Occupy into the culture from September 2011 to the present.  Authors Kimberly Wilder and Ian Wilder were early supporters of Occupy, using their internet platforms to communicate the changes being created by the American Autumn.

    The eBook is currently available on Amazon for Kindle;  Barnes & Noble Nook ; Smashwords independent eBook seller; and a Kobo for 99 cents and anyone can read it using their Kindle/Nook Reader, smart phone, or computer.

Upcoming LI Peace events

MONTHLY  CANDLELIGHT  VIGILSunday,  August  27  7:00 pm
Four Corners In PatchogueThere will be a reading of the names of those who have died in Iraq—both Americans and
Iraq soldiers & civilians.  This event is organized by the South Country Peace Group,  Pax Christi and the Bellport Women In Black.
Since I will not be available on the last Sunday in September (Sept. 24)  but I do want to see these important vigils continue, I hope there will be people who will commit themselves to bring candles at the next one, bring & read the lists of names of those killed in the Iraq conflict & someone to telephone those that often attend these vigils.  And going forward I would like people to think of ways how we can expand this monthly event.  Do you think a letter sent to various local churches would be good -asking that our event be publicized in their newsletters, bulletins or just even by hanging up a flyer?I think we should have flyers prepared again to hand out in general. 

MEETING….South Country Peace Group….there are things we need to talk about such as the Oct 5 national day of action—what to do locally,  the next forum/concert—IVAW,  the yearly SOA protest we do at Rep
Peter King’s Office……IS SEPTEMBER 6 A GOOD DATE FOR MOST SCPG MEMBERS?  If I get some positive feedback about Wed,  Sept 6  I’ll contact Eve & see if we can use the UUFB.  To the previous request I believe I only recd two positives to the Sept 6 date.

I wrote a thank you note to both Rev. Tom & Catherine Synan thanking them for their participation in our World Peace Vigil AND included an invitation to join SCPG & included the membership application.I was unable to find Michael Bonti’s address in the ph book.We should drop TY note to the vets who spoke plus Sonny…could a SCPG (Board) member help? 

MEETING….St Joseph the Worker Pax Christi………..Since I will not be here the third Thursday of the month  (the regular day of our monthly meeting) I was wondering if it is ok with the Pax Christi group members if we can have our meeting on the SECOND Thursday of the month—September 14.I hope by October we will have a classroom to meet in.    I would like to continue the book discussion starting with Chapter 14…The Trasfiguration PLUS do a few chapters that follow that.It would be nice if we could finish the Jesus the Rebel book by the December monthly meeting.Also there was some previous suggestions to have the PC group from
St Joseph’s College come visit us  (Oct meeting?,  Nov. meeting?) but I only want to do this if we have enough commitment from our members to be there.  Sometimes the turnout at these meetings is low.

MEETING….Suffolk Peace Network….Tuesday  September  5.Just recd a confirmation from Karen of SPN that this is a firm date now.Since the SPN meetings are only in Bellport  (at the UUFB) every OTHER month I hope all can try to get there.  I know for myself getting to the Huntington location is too difficult so I try to make all the meetings at Bellport UU,  This meeting IS at the UUFB.  THE TIME IS 6:30-7:30—there is a Veterans For Peace Meeting that begins at 7:30  & this meeting too is open to all. 

Each year on the Saturday of the weekend of the big SOA protest in Fort Benning the SCPG & PeaceSmiths organize a protest/leafleting event in front of the office of Rep
Peter King on Park Blvd in Massapequa Park.  Are there any thoughts about this?  We don’t want to conflict with the regular on going protests around LI so what time should we have it?  We could encourage the other groups vigiling that day to come over to

Park afterward.  I want to speak with Susan B to see what ideas she may have about this.

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