Intro to NVC!
In these two hour intros to NVC, learn about the four basic steps in the NVC process and how our feelings, physical sensations, and values work together to inform us how we’re experiencing the world and can connect compassionately with others and ourselves.
Four opportunities coming up!
* Wed., Jan. 31st: NY Open Center, 7:45-9:45pm, FREE
* Sunday, Feb. 4th: Park Slope Food Coop-FREE
* Sunday, March 18th: Park Slope Food Coop-FREE
* Monday, March 19th: Makor/92nd St Y (Fee: $30)
NOTE: For free events, no pre-registration needed!
Learn more & register for Makor event!
NVC “Starter” Courses
Hold the date(s) for these exciting courses!
For the first time, an introductory course on Nonviolent Communication is being offered at the NY Open Center!
WHEN: (4) Weeks, starting Wednesday, February 7th, 7:45- 9:45pm
WHERE: NY Open Center, Spring St., Manhattan
NOTE: If taking this course, please attend the free intro at the Open Center on Wed. Jan. 31st
In April, Brooklyn NVC will again be offering a 6-week introduction to NVC at LaGuardia Community College…the only NVC course offered in Queens!
WHEN: (6) Mondays, starting April 16th, 6:30-9pm
WHERE: LaGuardia Community College, Queens
Hold the dates… more details soon!
A Four Week Empathy Group: Starts Tuesday!
A live lab in NVC including empathy, role plays, gratitude circles and coaching/support in using NVC every day in diverse situations!
A unique aspect of this group is “gratitude circles,” a process developed by Brooklyn NVC that supports celebrating needs in a deep, powerful, and transforming way!
WHEN: Begins third Tuesday of every month & meets for four weeks WHERE: Off W. 10th St., near 6th Ave; contact for street address
FACILITATOR: Dian Killian, PhD
SLIDING SCALE: $145-$185 for the month
Zen & the Art of Conflict
Learn to see conflict as opportunity!
How do you currently deal with conflict?
* Do you become angry or frustrated?
* Do you shut down emotionally or hold back?
* Do you feel frightened or immobilized?
* Are you frustrated that people don’t see your side?
* Do you avoid confrontation at all costs? Or find it lurking everywhere you turn?
* Would you like it to just go away?
* Do you wish you had better tools to deal with conflict more effectively?
If you answered yes to any of these questions then Zen and the Art of Conflict is for you!
In this course you will learn to:
* Foster cooperation & trust
* Listen actively without losing sight of your own concerns
* Know that you were fully heard
* Maintain life-serving conversations & connections
* Connect physical sensations with feelings and needs
* Make observations that are clear and judgment-free
* Distinguish needs from strategies
* Learn the difference between a request and a demand
* Make clear, positive, do-able requests
A 20 hour/8-week course in Nonviolent Communication FACILITATOR: Eliane Geren
To learn more and to register, email
Filed under: Ballot issues, Education, social & economic justice, To Study Up On Nonviolence
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