Boog City Celebrates the Renegade Press
Ecopoetics (Bowdoinham, Maine)
Thurs. March 1, 6:00 p.m., free
ACA Galleries, 529 W.20th St., 5th Flr., NYC
Directions: C/E to 23rd St., 1/9 to 18th St. Venue is bet. 10th and 11th avenues
Event will be hosted by Ecopoetics editor Jonathan Skinner
Featuring readings and music from Marcella Durand, Robert Kocik, Michelle Nagai, Julie Patton, Damian Weber, Lila Zemborain; And a new book from Robert Kocik
There will be wine, cheese, and crackers, too.
Curated and with an introduction by Boog City editor David Kirschenbaum
Ecopoetics is an annual journal dedicated to exploring creative-critical edges between writing (with an emphasis on poetry) and ecology (the theory and praxis of deliberate earthlings). It is edited and designed by Jonathan Skinner, in Bowdoinham, Maine. The sixth issue will appear this spring. Free pdfs of back issues can be downloaded at the above website.
Performer Bios
Marcella Durand
Marcella Durand is the author of The Anatomy of Oil (Belladonna, 2005), Western Capital Rhapsodies (Faux Press, 2001), City of Ports (Situations, 1999), and Lapsus Linguae (Situations, 1995). She lives in the East Village.
Robert Kocik
Robert Kocik’s works include AUKSO (Object, 1995) and Overcoming Fitness
(Autonomedia, 2001). He founded the Bureau of Material Behaviors in 1996. In
1997 he began research in the Sore, Oversensitive, Insecure, and Subtle Sciences, discovering the logosome (key to the sexual transmissibility of artwork) and the prosopath (particulate unit in the relationship between prosody and disease). In 2001 he founded Poetry Outsource (missing social service responding to poets’ lack of place in the culture).
Michelle Nagai
Composer Michelle Nagai creates site-specific performances, installations, radio broadcasts, dances, and other interactions that address the human state in relationship to its setting. The American Composers Forum, Eyebeam, Harvestworks, the Jerome and McKnight Foundations, Meet the Composer, and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute have supported her work.
Julie Patton
Julie Patton is a performance artist and writer. She is busy working on various community development/greenspace/sustainability projects under the rubric of Think Green! Her new chapbook Notes for Some (Nominally) Awake is forthcoming. Julie often takes to the road for various collaborative projects with Uri Caine, and is a fellow at Bates College’s Green Horizons Project in Maine, where she collaborates with Jonathan Skinner.
Damian Weber
Damian Weber, of the House Press collective, edits Source Material in Brooklyn. His latest CD is “It’s Not Me & It’s Not You & It’s Not Dreamy.”
Lila Zemborain
Lila Zemborain is the author of Abrete sésamo debajo del agua, Usted, Guardianes del secreto, Malvas orquídeas del mar /Mauve-Sea Orchids (forthcoming from Belladonna Books), and Rasgado. She has authored the book-length essay Gabriela Mistral, Una mujer sin rostro. Lila is the director and editor of the Rebel Road Series, and the curator of the KJCC Poetry Series at New York University.
Next event: Thurs. April 12, Corollary Press (Philadelphia)
David A. Kirschenbaum
Boog City editor and publisher
330 W.28th St., Suite 6H
NY, NY 10001-4754
For event and publication information:
T: (212) 842-BOOG (2664)
F: (212) 842-2429
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