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Babylon Twn Bd meeting 4/11/07


I renewed my question of several years ago about Suffolk County Democratic Party Chair Richard Schaffer receiving health benefits for being the attorney to the plumbing board. I received a very long speech from Babylon Supervisor Bellone (D) about the efficiency of Babylon Town. This weeks’ Newsday got a more concise answer:



Plumbing a $7G debt

The Town of Babylon eliminated health benefits for members of its
part-time board members in 1996 – unlike other towns on Long Island that
have been in the news lately for doling out that perk. But Babylon does
give benefits to select part-time employees, including Richard Schaffer –
an assistant town attorney for the Plumbers Examining Board – or, as he
is better known – chairman of the Suffolk County Democratic Party.
Schaffer, 43, was appointed to the town post in January 2002, a month after
finishing an eight-year stint as Babylon supervisor. Incoming
Supervisor Steve Bellone, whom Schaffer helped elect, led the board that named
him. He earns $5,000 a year and receives health insurance costing nearly
$7,000 a year, plus one-third of a full-time job in state pension
credits. “I think we’ve been able to get Rich at such a bargain level,”
Bellone said. But Dan Martin, a town Republican, said Schaffer got the job
because of political clout.

Schaffer helped rewrite the plumbing code, consults on town matters and
practices privately. He said, “If people have an issue with it, I’d be
happy to take the $11,700 [a year in salary] and buy my own insurance.”

– Michael Rothfeld on Long Island

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