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Oliver Lankard performance 10/28/07

Oct 28, 2007 Sunday 7:00 PM The Raucous @ The Nutty Irishman, Bay Shore, NY
Nov 16, 2007 Friday 7:30 PM East Enders Coffee House (Featured Performer) Riverhead, NY
Dec 7, 2007 Friday 7:30 PM East Enders Coffee House (Featured Performer) Riverhead, NY

OLIVER LANKARD IS WILD. Labeled as the band that is going to “bring the Beat Generation back,” this Psychedelic Folk/Rock trio relentlessly showers its audience with a glowing aura of energy.

Vocalist Stephanie Carlin’s raw, sultry sound makes spines shiver, twisting and bending through concert halls and smoky bars that have even the worst of acoustics. Her raspy powerhouse of a voice is a wild mix between Janis Joplin and Cat Power, but she possesses something that they did not – the art of the skat. Her wildly inventive skating ability beautifully coincides with every precise flick of Dylan Martinsen’s bass guitar.  But the notes from Adam Fronc’s trumpet pierces the air above them both – a boisterous player, he plays his song like he were mourning a lover.

After shows, listeners incessantly thank Oliver Lankard for fulfilling the simple mission of making them feel alive. “I always go to shows and enjoy the music of whatever band is playing,” noted one listener, “but my hair stood on end when I watched Oliver Lankard perform. You can really see the passion on their faces, and it just pours through the music.”

Initially formed in 2006, Carlin, Martinsen, and Fronc swore to empower their act with the most revitalizing musicians they could find. After scouring the Eastern Long Island for worthy candidates, their sets eventually consisted of a four-piece Oliver Lankard, and then a seven-piece Oliver Lankard. For a time, Oliver Lankard consisted of ten pieces, complete with: a keyboardist, alto/soprano saxaphonists, Latin percussionist, and three doo-wop back-up vocalists.

Now, OL is excited to finally be back together as a trio. “We are extraordinarily volatile as a ten-piece, but now the show is so intimate,” Carlin noted. “Right now, we need that change. My voice falls a different way… I cherish our message just a bit more when we are alone with our listeners.”

Currently, OL is in the studio, recording its full-length debut, “Tree of Series.” As Martinsen puts it, “The CD is an explosion of all things beautiful.” Carlin adds, “I want this CD to be love in an audio form.” For “Tree of Series”, OL has brought in musicians from all over Long Island to ensure that listeners will walk away with a sense of enlightenment – or at the least, a refreshed admiration for beautiful music.


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