Medea Benjamin: Why does my foot hurt right where I shot it?
Medea Benjamin complains that Nancy Pelosi makes time to meet with Democratic coffee klatches and “high-dollar donors” but won’t meet with activists from Benjamin’s CODEPINK. My response:
The Democrats generally (and Nancy Pelosi in particular) learned that they could ignore people like CODEPINK generally (and Medea Benjamin in particular) in 2004, when progressives made it eminently clear that they would vote for a Democrat who was as bad as (or worse than) George Bush on the most crucial issues–especially Iraq. Medea Benjamin was right at the forefront of this complete surrender of power to the Democrats, openly campaigning for progressives to vote for Kerry and working to prevent the Green Party from nominating Nader and Camejo. She put all of her efforts in 2004 into guaranteeing the ascendancy of conservative Democrats, and–as a direct result–undermining progressive causes and weakening the Green Party, perhaps fatally.
Filed under: Green Party Websites, presidential race, Ralph Nader, US Politics Tagged: | codepink, dlc, meda benjamin, nancy pelosi, peter camejo, Ralph Nader
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