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    Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? eBook

    Reflections on Occupy Wall Street, with photos, fun, and good wishes for the future. eBook, Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? (Only $.99 !) In the eBook, the Occupy movement is explored through original reporting, photographs, cartoons, poetry, essays, and reviews.The collection of essays and blog posts records the unfolding of Occupy into the culture from September 2011 to the present.  Authors Kimberly Wilder and Ian Wilder were early supporters of Occupy, using their internet platforms to communicate the changes being created by the American Autumn.

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Primaries and Caucuses for the 2008 Presidential Campaign

If you are looking for major party primary results, you might as well check out CNN’s election page here. Thanks for visiting the wilderside.

Presidential Primary Dates and Caucus Dates: Campaign 2008

Where does one find the dates for U.S. Presidential Primaries around the country? A good source for this information is: National Conference of State Legislatures. Another place to find an easy to copy list of primaries and caucuses is Project Vote Smart.

Update: 5/31/08: All that is left for the Democrats are two primaries, Montana and South Dakota on Tues. June 3rd.

Here is the full list of what is left for the Dems/Reps this primary/caucus season:

  • Tuesday, June 3rd: Montana (Dem primary), New Mexico (Rep primary), South Dakota (Dem & Rep Primary)
  • Saturday, June 28th: Nebraska (Republican State Convention)

The Libertarians have held their Presidential Convention, and chosen as their Presidential Candidate, Bob Barr.

The Green Party Presidential Convention will be in Chicago, Illinois on Saturday, July 12th.
Presidential Primaries and Caucus which happened already:

Feb. 5th was Super Tuesday, where there were presidential primaries or caucuses in the following states: Alabama, Alaska, Arizona, Arkansas, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Georgia, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Massachusetts (where you can vote in the Democrat/Republican/or Green Party primaries), Minnesota (Dem and Rep, but Green and Constitution Party are different days), Missouri, Montana, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Tennessee, Utah, West Virginia.

Other primaries and caucuses that were already held: the Iowa caucus was January 3rd, 2008; the New Hampshire Primary was January 8th.; the Michigan Primary was January 15th; the Nevada caucuses were January 19th; the South Carolina Caucus, for the Democratic Party, was held on January 26th; January 29th was the Florida Presidential Primary; February 2nd was the state of Maine Presidential Primary. Feb. 29th was the Washington State Republican and Democratic caucuses, Louisiana Rep and Dem primary, Nebraska Dem-only caucuses, Kansas Rep-only caucuses, Virgin Islands Dem-only territorial convention. February 10 was the Maine Democratic Primary. February 12 were the caucuses/primary in D.C., the Maryland Primary, and the Virginia Primary. February 19th was the Hawaii Democratic Caucuses, Wisconsin Democrat and Republican Primary. February 19th were the Hawaii Democratic Caucuses, Wisconsin Democrat and Republican Primary. March 4th were the caucuses for the Green Party of Minnesota and the Constitution Party in Minnesota and major party primaries in Rhode Island, Ohio, Texas, and Vermont. Saturday, March 8th was a caucus for the Democrats in Wyoming. Tuesday, May 6th was Indiana and North Carolina. Tuesday, May 13th: Nebraska (Rep primary, advisory only) and West Virginia (Dem primary). Tuesday, May 20th was Kentucky and Oregon. Tuesday, May 27th was Idaho (Dem=non-binding primary/R=primary).

Related posts:

Video of forum which includes presentations by representatives from the Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama campaigns is here.

A list of Green Party presidential caucuses and primaries can be found here.

For a list of potential candidates–from independent to third party to just those regular two parties–see our “People’s President Page.”

Just for fun…some stuff you might like:

Madam President: The Extraordinary, True (and Evolving) Story of Women in Politics by Catherine Thimmesh. When Abigail Adams asked her husband to “Remember the Ladies,” women could not vote or own property in America. Some seventy years later, when Elizabeth Cady Stanton wrote, “To vote is the most sacred act of citizenship,” the government of the United States still did not treat women as equals, having yet to grant them the right to vote. But sixty-four years after that Geraldine Ferraro declared, “We can do anything,” and became the first American woman to run for vice president on a major party ticket. Today, surely our country is ready for a leader who, as Elizabeth Dole said, “will call America to her better nature.”This captivating book illuminates the bravery and tenacity of the women who have come before us. With an engaging narrative, fascinating quotes, and elegant illustrations, it not only shows how far women have come but also reveals the many unsung roles women have played in political history Step by step, these capable ladies have paved the way for our young leaders of tomorrow.

also: The Amazing Mrs. Pritchard (DVD)

What happens when a perky supermarket manager from West Yorkshire finds herself at the head of a political movement that sweeps her into office as Britain’s new prime minister? For starters, how about moving England’s capital, demoting the queen, and doing something about global warming?

Jane Horrocks (Life Is Sweet, Little Voice) stars as Ros Pritchard, a perfect boss and attentive mother hen to her workers at Greengages Superstore in rural Eatanswill. Ros is so frustrated with the state of politics and the caliber of politicians that she runs for election herself, determined to make a point. And what starts as a bit of a joke gathers momentum, with even a couple of heavyweight politicians defecting to her side.

In no time, she is leading a feminist revolution in British politics, with like-minded women all over the country following her example to run for Parliament as part of the new Purple Democratic Alliance. She’s a breath of fresh air: she speaks the language people have wanted to hear for so very long. The country, previously apathetic in the face of the options available, turn out in their millions and elect Mrs. Pritchard in on a landslide. Which is where her problems really begin.

Sally Wainwright, writer and creator of the five-part series admits that “During the last election, I found that I didn’t really want to vote for anybody — because they all seemed as bad as each other. I thought it would be great fun to write an epic story with a central character who was prepared to stand up and point this out.”

-As this post receives many hits on primary days, it is constantly revised and updated to keep people informed. Any concerns or corrections, please contact Kimberly Wilder votewilder at yahoo dot com.

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  1. […] Where to vote peace on Super Tuesday: List of states […]

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