Issue #7, May 12th, 2008
The Power to the People Committee
Cynthia McKinney for President Weekly Update.
Hello Powerful People:
Welcome to the seventh issue of the Power to the People
Committee, Cynthia McKinney for President Weekly Update.
— Joining our Updates list —
To all new readers, we welcome you to the Power to the People
Committee Campaign Updates. To all readers, new or otherwise,
please help our numbers continue to grow by encouraging your
friends and family to join the campaign. To get your loved
ones on the list, send them the link:
Or they can access the subscription form from the campaign
web site.
— Delegate Update —
With 15 states reporting, McKinney now has 157 delegates out
of the 361 that have been awarded for the Green Party National
Convention in Chicago, July 12. The campaign for the nomination
is far from complete and we’re urging supporters particularly
in those states where Convention delegates have not yet been
instructed to use our volunteer form and let us know how you’d
like to help build this campaign.
— What’s New on the Website —
Cynthia’s Statement on the Sean Bell Verdict
Black Women Vote Interviews Cynthia McKinney
Cynthia Speaks at May Day Rally with Dockworkers
Two Videos Of ILWU May Day “No Peace, No Work” Rally,
Including Excerpts Of Cynthia’s Speech, Now Available
Why the Republican and Democratic Parties and the Political
Process are Obstacles to Real Democracy by Bruce Gagnon
— Campaign Visibility —
Your help sharing these links with family and friends, helps
build our campaign’s visibility and capacity.
May 1, Cynthia McKinney joins and speaks at the International
Longshore and Warehouse Union’s “No Peace, No Work” May Day
rally. The daylong strike, to protest the wars in Iraq and
Afghanistan, shut down the ports all over the West Coast. To
read a transcript of McKinney’s speech to the workers, click
To see videos of the event, click here:
— Calendar —
May 12 — McKinney will attend a fundraiser house party in Napa,
May 14 — Cynthia will attend a free public screening of
American Blackout at Antigua Cultural Coffee Shop in Los
May 16 McKinney will speak at a New York rally to
commemorate the 60th anniversary of the Nakbah,
the ethnic cleansing of Palestinians by Israel.
— Help Wanted —
* Make our campaign visible in your community
Please use the campaign materials linked from the right
sidebar of our campaign website, to make your candidate and
her campaign visible in your community. We can’t build this
campaign in your community without your help.
* Make Sure We Are Communicating with Your Local Media
Help us identify important media contacts in your
community. Please make it known to your local media outlets
that you support the McKinney campaign. Direct them to the
campaign web site, where interested parties can fill out a
Media Request form to arrange for interviews, radio call-ins
and subscriptions to our VNR feed. Also, please share your
local media list with our press secretary by sending it to
him at
* Sunday Evening 10k Club
Our Sunday Evening 10k Club continues! The goal is for
supporters around the country to hold 10 house parties every
Sunday, raising $1,000 in campaign contributions from each
Hosting a house party is easy; it requires no prior experience
and the campaign will work closely with hosts. If you are
interested in hosting a house party, please let us know at:
And join one of our Monday evening conference calls.
Until next week,
— The Campaign Team
Paid for by the
Power to the People Committee,
Cynthia McKinney for President
Filed under: More Events Calendars
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