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    Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? eBook

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    Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? eBook

    Reflections on Occupy Wall Street, with photos, fun, and good wishes for the future. eBook, Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? (Only $.99 !) In the eBook, the Occupy movement is explored through original reporting, photographs, cartoons, poetry, essays, and reviews.The collection of essays and blog posts records the unfolding of Occupy into the culture from September 2011 to the present.  Authors Kimberly Wilder and Ian Wilder were early supporters of Occupy, using their internet platforms to communicate the changes being created by the American Autumn.

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LI Wins: Sample Letters to Elected Officials on Marcello Lucero murder

Dear Friends,

Your support and comments on the website during this long difficult week have shown a strong commitment to Long Island’s immigrant community. We have stood and will continue to stand together to morn this incredible tragedy. We are mourning for both the loss of life and awareness of the hatred that has permeated

our communities.

It is also time for us to take action. Below this email are two sample letters, one is a direct appeal to the Suffolk County Executive and Legislators; and one is directed to other Long Island or New York State Elected Officials urging them to contact the Suffolk County Executive and call for a change of course in Suffolk County. Please use these letters, add your own thoughts, and send them! Circulate them far and wide.The eyes of New Yorkers and the nation are now on Long Island. We must show them that Long Island is a home to kind-hearted, hardworking and socially responsible individuals.

Contact us at longislandwins@gmail.com if you need help finding the contact information of your elected officials. Please let the Long Island Wins team know if you have sent one or both of these letters as well as to whom you send them. We are hoping to track how many letters are sent.  The letters will also be avalible on the website in the coming days.
Our task ahead is daunting. Our work to ensure that the atrocious crime committed in Patchogue is not repeated has just begun. We must continually strive to educate each other, change the way we think about and treat the immigrant community, and make absolutely certain that Long Island is an island of opportunity for everyone.

The time for action is now. Keep checking-in with www.longislandwins.com for the latest updates.

In solidarity,

The Long Island Wins Team

Dear County Executive Steve Levy and Suffolk County Legislators,
I am a concerned _________________ (citizen, mother, student, teacher, clergy member etc) and a _________________ (Long Islander or New Yorker). Last Saturday night 7 teenagers from Patchogue and Medford murdered Marcello Lucero. The assailants were specifically looking to inflict violence that night on “some Mexicans.” Marcello and his friend became their targets simply because of the color of their skin.

This is not the first time Long Island immigrants have been the victims of a hate crime. When will immigrants be able to walk the streets of Suffolk County without fear of attack?In contrast to County Executive Steve Levy’s recent statements, I believe that hate does not occur in a vacuum or spontaneously, it is learned from others. Hate of this sort is fed by discriminatory policies, attitudes of our local leaders, and general intolerance of difference. There is an undeniable link between the way politicians advocate for the treatment of immigrants and the way they are in turn treated in their communities. Regardless of the color of one’s skin or the country of one’s birth, all people deserve equal treatment.Long Islanders have continued to express their outrage on what feels like deaf ears. You, as an elected official, are both empowered and obligated to actively work against the spread of hatred towards immigrants. Education is necessary to increase tolerance but education alone is not enough. We as politicians, parents, teachers, business owners and Long Islanders, must set the example. We must lead by our example.I call on you to 1) Stop using harsh and irresponsible rhetoric demonizing immigrants on Long Island; 2) To support a moratorium on divisive legislation that seeks to penalize and marginalize immigrants, and 3) To promote practical legislation and policies that ensure opportunity for all Long Islanders, foster better understanding of diverse communities, and build trust and cooperation between local government and the communities they serve.Please contact County Executive Steve Levy and your fellow elected officials to let them know that significant change is needed in Suffolk County.  Without drastic changes to the political ideology of Suffolk County we leave ourselves vulnerable to another hate crime in the future. The responsibility falls on all of us to take action now.

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