Since March, I’ve been writing to you about efforts in congress to kill the Cape Wind project—a 130-turbine wind farm proposed for federal waters in Nantucket Sound. I’m happy to report that this critical clean energy facility has been protected and will proceed with the ongoing regulatory process! Thank you for your efforts to save the nation’s first proposed offshore wind farm. UCS activists sent over 48,000 letters to their senators and representatives in support of Cape Wind.
If built, this source of clean, renewable energy will be the first of its kind in the United States. In March, a last-minute, special interest provision was added to the Coast Guard bill that would have given the Governor of Massachusetts—an outspoken opponent of Cape Wind—the arbitrary authority to veto it.
Thankfully, new language has now been accepted to this bill that will allow Cape Wind to proceed while the Coast Guard retains the authority to ensure that the turbines pose no threat to navigation. This is a great victory for America’s efforts to develop new clean energy sources that do not deplete our natural resources or destroy our environment.
Ben Larson
National Field Organizer
Clean Energy Program
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