When thinking about my first post for the BRAG Blog, I had a hard time deciding what to post about. Fair Elections; Lt. Ehren Watada; the failure of mass media to serve the people of this country; the Fascist Neocon hijacking of our country; all the LIES coming from the right; specific issues, propositions or candidates in this election cycle? All of these are important issues that we must address, and that I feel strongly about. But when thinking about one – just ONE – thing that represents the greatest, most pressing, most revolutionary subject for a premier post that would best represent me and introduce our new blog in the manner I felt most fitting, I decided on the political party with whom I am registered: the Green Party.
Click here for the rest of the post from BRAG.
Filed under: 9-11, election, Green Party Websites, international politics, reform, US Politics Tagged: | third parties, UFPJ, Uncategorized
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