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Tonite: Long Island Offshore Windmills

At 7pm on Wednesday, January 3, 2007, the Babylon Green Party will host Beth Fiteni of the WindWorks Long Island, also known as the Long Island Offshore Wind Initiative (LIOWI), to speak about the windmills being placed off the Babylon shore. Representatives from local, state and national environmental groups have unanimously supported a 140 megawatt wind energy project off the South Shore of Long Island.  www.lioffshorewindenergy.org

While many offshore wind projects operate successfully in Europe, there are only two proposed projects in the U.S. Come find out the truth about this project:

  • Wind energy is highly reliable.
  • Wind turbines are quiet.
  • The Wind Park will generate a significant amount of electricity.
  • Wind energy is paid for by private money.
  • The Wind Park will not effect the view from the beaches; the environment or fishing.

Fiteni, who holds a Masters of Studies in Environmental Law from Vermont Law School, is the Issues Program Director for the Neighborhood Network. She serves on the Boards of several organizations including Vision Long Island, Prevention is the Cure, and Friends of Huntington Farmlands, and is an advisor to Healthy Planet.

Fiteni currently coordinates the Neighborhood Network’s latest effort, the Clean Energy Leadership Task Force, which brings together local municipalities to identify cost-effective ways to use present-day clean energy technologies. As a representative to the LIOWI, Fiteni is working with other environmental groups and LIPA to raise awareness about the proposed offshore wind project.

Offshore wind energy production is also supported by the Island’s leading labor and business organizations such as the Long Island Association, Hauppauge Industrial Association, Long Island Mid-Suffolk Business Association and the Nassau/Suffolk Building and Construction Trades Council.

In addition to these regional groups, state and national environmental organizations support offshore wind technology. Philippe Cousteau, Jacques Cousteau’s grandson and President of EarthEcho International was joined by representatives from Greenpeace USA; the Natural Resources Defense Council; New York Public Interest Research Group; and the Environmental Advocates of New York in endorsing LI Offshore Windmills.

“For Long Islanders, this wind project is a smart investment in harvesting a local energy supply that will never be subject to fossil fuel costs, the whims of OPEC, or international conflicts,” said Gordian Raacke, Executive Director of Renewable Energy Long Island (RELI)..

“Wind power is a visionary, long-term solution that is a good investment for our local economy, public health protection and our environment,” stated Adrienne Esposito, Executive Director of Citizens Campaign for the Environment.

“On Long Island, community and environmental organizations have long developed a reputation for fighting in opposition to things; it is unprecedented that today, so many environmental organizations have come together to work towards the goal of building the Nation’s first off-shore wind park,” said Neal Lewis, Executive Director of the Long Island Neighborhood Network.

“On Feb. 7, 2007 will have Jean Waters and Robert Langley of Just Peace! to speak about how to get your own Public Access show and tape an open mic for their own show. For directions to the Babylon Green Gathering, call 422-4702 or email ian.wilder@yahoo.com Children are welcome. All gatherings are Free of Charge, and Open to the Public



The Long Island Offshore Wind Initiative (LIOWI), had asked LIPA in 2001 to study the feasibility of turning abundant ocean breezes into pollution-free electricity. Encouraged by the results of two studies and LIPA’s support for an offshore wind park that would provide enough electricity to power 44,000 homes, LIOWI conducted dozens of meetings all over Long Island to inform the public about the planned project, receiving mostly positive reactions.

The LI Offshore Windmill proposal has received consistently high approval ratings from the general public. In a recent Cablevision News 12 poll, 82% of those polled said they “support installing energy producing windmills off the Island’s South Shore“, and a Newsday poll found 87% supportive of LIPA’s offshore wind project.

“We are encouraged by regional groups’ and communities’ positive responses for this project, which is not a surprise given that wind technology provides electricity without dangerous pollution and at minimal cost to consumers,” said Jason K. Babbie, Environmental Policy Analyst for the New York Public Interest Research Group.

“This project moves us towards an energy future that is defined by renewable resources that bring clean energy and green jobs to Long Island,” said Rob Moore, Executive Director of Environmental Advocates of New York. “Offshore wind power gives New Yorkers a way of generating clean and affordable energy while decreasing the state’s enormous contribution to global warming and other air pollution problems.”

“Greenpeace has been active protecting the world’s oceans and promoting solutions to the world’s worst environmental problems for over 30 years and we support offshore wind as a very important way to curb dangerous global warming”, said Chris Miller, Clean Energy Now Campaigner with Greenpeace. “We are excited to work with environmental groups in New York to ensure that this project is successful.”

“We firmly believe that we must harness offshore wind energy in our efforts to combat climate change, reduce air pollution and increase energy security,” said Ashok Gupta, Senior Energy Economist for the Natural Resources Defense Council. “Given the very high fuel prices we are seeing, investing in wind energy is an excellent strategy to help keep energy prices down on Long Island.”

WindWorks Long Island is working to bring what could be the nation’s first offshore wind park to Long Island, New York. WindWorks LI is a unique partnership of local, regional, and national environmental, civic, health, business and faith-based groups working to bring the environmental, economic and public health benefits of offshore wind energy to our region.

WindWorks LI believes that with necessary due diligence and rigorous regulatory, environmental and public review processes, the proposed Long Island offshore wind park can serve as a national model in offshore wind energy production, setting the stage for a new era of clean, sustainable energy generation that helps protect our health, environment and quality of life. WindWorks LI supports and promotes through advocacy, education and public outreach the development of clean, renewable energy resources as defined under the New York State Renewable Portfolio Standard (RPS) adopted in 2004.

4 Responses

  1. […] Babylon Green Party: Long Island Offshore Windmills 1/3/07 […]

  2. Using wind as a source of energy is the best way to get rid of all the air and residual pollutants.Hope this is realized soon by the whole world and much is spend on these projects rather than on the ones that are totally business motto oriented.


  4. Nice article you posted . Congratulation to decide going green and clean. We also preserve nature and save money by using free cost wind energy and that was by the help provided in: http://www.windpowercost.org Thanks for your post.

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