Happy New Year! And all best wishes for your success with your work for economic justice!
This day begins our work on the United Nations Land Value Tax Project! Thank you to those of you who have selected areas of the project to which you intend to contribute.
You may find it of interest to know that I have been told that seed funds already have been allocated for implementation of LVT in eligible cities and countries. These funds are to be utilized after our LVT Project is completed in August. In other words, the LVT program we are developing these next eight months will be the informational basis for the implementation phase.
UN Habitat Global Land Tool Network www.gltn.net has received twenty million dollars of funding from Sweden and Norway for the next ten years.
We will be utilizing the Earth Rights Institute website for the purpose of compiling our work in progress up until August when our completed LVT program then will be officially posted and hosted on the United Nations Habitat website. For this purpose we have totally redesigned our website at www.earthrights.net. You can link to the UN LVT Project and the GLTN brochure from the homepage announcement about our international Advisory Group or from the Programs and Projects section.
It is not too late to join the team of UN LVT Project Advisors! Simply select an area from the following list that you would like to help develop and let me know of your interest with an email back to earthrts@pa. net.
Here is the list of Project components::
a) Develop explanatory documents on LVC/T (global coverage)
b) Develop SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, threats)
analysis on LVC/T (financial/social/ environmental with global coverage)
a) Examples of existing LVC/T initiatives (global coverage, country
specific examples)
b) Specific SWOT on existing examples of LVC/T (global as well as
country specific)
c) Statements by key individuals/ institutions on LVC/T (global
a) Develop a curriculum for and the design of a short online course on
LVC/T (approximately 8h Internet time and 16h offline time)
b) Develop an online LVC/T calculator/simulato r where a
council/country can enter their own data and then elaborate different LVC/T
solutions seeing the results in the LVC/T calculator/simulato r. Calculator
ought to be available on www.gltn.net.
a) Develop brief brochure on LVC/T. (Edit/design and production by external
partners, not in this contract).
Filed under: cynthia mckinney, international politics, social & economic justice Tagged: | Uncategorized
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