Here’s a jaw dropper we thought you would want to know about and help change: tucked away in a federal funding bill since 2003 is a provision that makes it harder for cops to catch criminals.
The provision actually hides gun trace data from law enforcement and the public.
Why does the gun lobby always push for this provision? The trace data shows that most crime guns come from a small number of corrupt dealers. Without comprehensive trace data, these dangerous gun dealers avoid public scrutiny and local police are deprived of warnings of possible criminal activity in their communities.
Who does this provision help? Corrupt gun dealers and the illegal gun traffickers who depend on them. Who does it hurt? All Americans who want to crack down on dirty dealers and stop gun violence.
The nation’s mayors have come together to repeal these restrictions, and law enforcement organizations and officials from across the country have also joined the fight. Go to our Brady Action Center to read more and watch videos of key officials who are opposed to this dangerous provision.
This legislation could be under consideration in the U.S. House Appropriations Committee any day now. We have a new Congress and a new opportunity to get rid of this so-called “Tiahrt Provision” — named after the NRA’s water boy, Rep. Todd Tiahrt (R-KS) — that suppresses the truth about crime guns and hurts law enforcement efforts to fight gun trafficking and corrupt gun dealers.
Here’s What You Can Do Today to Help Repeal the Restrictions on Crime Gun Trace Data:
Email the U.S. House Leadership.
With one click, you can tell Speaker Pelosi and Minority Leader Boehner to stand with police, and repeal the restrictions on crime gun trace data by removing the Tiahrt Provision. Click here to send the email.
It’s hard to believe that current law limits the type of information that police can get from ATF. Please send the email today and let them know that we must remove this provision that protects criminals and hurt police efforts.
Thanks for standing with us in this important fight.
Sarah Brady, Chair
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