Dear Friends,
Thank you enormously for all your great work in mobilizing your communities for change, and putting pressure on your politicians to be leaders on global warming. We always say that a movement needs to keep on moving, and there are many great grassroots campaigns run by our friends to get involved with next. Visit the Next Steps section of our website for a full list, but here are a few we’re really excited about:
International Day of Action – December 8, 2007: Both the Global Climate Campaign and the National Polar Bear Plunge are great chances to act in solidarity with people all over the world calling for real action on global warming. These events will take place simultaneously with the UN climate negotiations in Bali on December 8.
Focus the Nation – January 31, 2008: Join our friends at Focus the Nation for the first national teach-in on global warming solutions for America. Focus the Nation aims to increase dialogue at over a thousand colleges, universities, high schools, middle schools, places of worship, civic organizations and businesses, directly engaging millions of students and community members with the nation’s decision-makers. It’s is a great way to bring many new people to the table in your community, and to continue to engage your politicians. Sign up to host an event at your institution today!
Ongoing Campaigns:
1 Sky: We all helped launch this exciting new campaign over the weekend, by educating our communities and Congress about the bold priorities we know are necessary to tackle the climate crisis. 1 Sky is poised to be the unifying force of the movement, and you are part of it. They’re moving quickly to plan the next steps, so keep checking for updates. Until then, you can continue to educate and mobilize your friends and neighbors, and generate momentum for this important movement.
A couple other campaigns that you may have heard us talk about are Greenpeace’s Project Hotseat, which lights fires (not literally) under legislators’ feet on the issue of climate change, and the Sierra Club’s Cool Cities. Cool Cities are cities that have made a commitment to stopping global warming by signing the U.S. Mayors’ Climate Protection Agreement.
Thank you enormously for your passion and commitment to this movement. Let’s keep the momentum going so that our legislators and communities know that we won’t compromise in this most important of fights — onward to the next action!
In solidarity,
The Team –
Bill, Ian, Jamie, Jason, Jon, Kelly, Lauren, Lindsey, May, Phil, and Will
877.839.8957 (toll-free)
Now playing: Jill Scott – My Love
via FoxyTunes
Filed under: activism, Global Warming, grassroots democracy
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