The Green Party of Suffolk will be holding its annual membership meeting on Saturday, March 8, 2008. It will start at 1pm at the Unitarian Universalist Church in Bellport on Browns Lane. The meeting is open to all registered Green Party members. Light refreshments will be served. For more information about the Green Party, or about the March 8th meeting, please contact Roger Snyder at (631) 351-5763. Or, go to the web-site:
The Green Party presidential race is underway. Candidates include: Former Congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, Jesse Johnson of West Virginia, Kent Mesplay of California, Kat Swift of Texas, and Ralph Nader as a draft candidate. This countywide meeting will include a discussion about the method for choosing delegates to the 2008 Green Party Presidential convention and how to become a delegate. Representatives from the Green Party presidential campaigns have been invited to speak.
The agenda will also include:
- a welcome to newly enrolled Green Party members;
- officer elections;
- proposed county platform;
- update on the “End Global Warming” poster contest; and
- planning for the April 26, 2008 Earth Day Fundraiser in Setauket.
Attendees are welcome to bring flyers, petitions, and announcements for the literature table.
The Green Party is connected to a worldwide political movement. The four pillars of the Green Party are: Social and Economic Justice; Grassroots Democracy; Ecological Wisdom and Non-Violence/Peace. You can enroll in the Green Party by checking off the box marked “other” on a voter registration form, and writing in “Green” on the line next to it.
Filed under: 4 Pillars, activism, Anti-War, Art, Ballot issues, cynthia mckinney, Ecology, election, elections, Environment, events, Global Warming, grassroots democracy, green, Green Party Websites, local, Long Island Politics, More Events Calendars, nature, New York State Politics, Peace, Political Websites, presidential race, Press Release, progressive politics, Ralph Nader, sustainability, sustainable, third party, To Study Up On Nonviolence, US Politics, war Tagged: | Environment, nature, Ralph Nader, third parties
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