from Nassau County Poet Laureate Max Wheat
Check out page 55 of the April Long Island Pulse, the “quintessentially Long Island” magazine, and you will read poems by two of Long Island’s stellar poets — Cuddy Murray of Sea Cliff, a rising celestial attraction on the Long Island literary horizon, and Dan Giancola of Hampton Bays, long a Polaris of the Long Island poetry scene. Murray has self-published five books of his powerfully metaphoric poetry and is working on a sixth. Books by Giancola, Professor of English at Suffolk County Community College, include “Songs from the Army of the Working Stiffs,” about labor and a collection that should be part of every Long Island high school history curriculum, “Powder and Echo: Poems About the Revolutionary War on Long Island.” Recently Street Press of Sound Beach published his new poems, “Part Mirth, Part Murder.” Alongside their poems in the magazine is a list of April events — Suffolk County Poet Laureate Dr. David B. Axelrod’s “A Family Reading” (includes four others of the Axelrod constellation), 2 P.M., this Sunday, April 13, at the Walt Whitman Birthplace, South Huntington, Steven Schmidt’s instant “poetry book making party” at the Conklin Barn in Huntington, 8 P.M., Friday, April 18, and more.
Long Island Pulse magazine is in itself a galaxy of sparkling columns spread like pulsating stars across the pages, “Steady Beats” on dining, the arts, lifestyles and business: “Bring Long Island Home,” recently about our “veggies;” “Couch Curmudgeon,” in this issue, the second on anger control; “Get Physical,” recently about “Dumbbell Decorum;” several about home interiors and real estate — a starry procession of these reports and commentaries. The April issue, “New Ways to Get It Green,” dedicated to the environment, is a Haley’s Comet when it appears so brightly you can see it for 24 hours — a wonderful photo spread (the photography and drawings in Long Island Pulse being art experiences in themselves), mixing fashion attire in a Pine Barrens background, “From Sump to Sanctuary,” how this evolving of County Storm Damage Basin #132 in Garden City to a bird sanctuary could be the model for the 700 sumps in Nassau County and those in Suffolk, the Island’s water, solar power, real estate, “Broadwater,” and [CCE‘s Adrienne Esposito’s] “Lab. 495: The Impact of Global Warming Is Upon Us–How Close Is Long Island to the Tipping Point of Extinction.”
Long Island Pulse is available at Border’s and I think Barnes and Noble. Go to for more information.
Maxwell Corydon Wheat, Jr.
Poet Laureate
Filed under: Ecology, Environment, media, News, Recommended Poetry Tagged: | Environment
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