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Mandatory vaccines: Lawsuit News & Activist Research

(excerpt from) Newsday
Rockland attorney sues to halt mandated flu shots

…On behalf of Suzanne Field, a registered nurse in Dutchess County, and 60,000 health care workers in the state, [attorney Patricia] Finn filed for a temporary restraining order Tuesday in State Supreme Court in Manhattan against Health Commissioner Dr. Richard Daines and Jeffrey Kraut…

A hearing is set for Wednesday before State Supreme Court Justice Marylin Diamond…

The suit charges Daines and Kraut exceeded the scope of their power and are “arbitrarily and capriciously restraining health care workers from freedom of contract between employers and employees.” [when the state required health care workers to get the H1N1 flu or lose their jobs.]…

My friend Steven Schmidt put together this informal primer on mandatory vaccines and information about Swine Flu (H1N1):

Swine flu:

1.  Cases & Deaths of H1N1 were under-reported back in May because it wasn’t
usually tested for.  Don’t know how much this has changed.  But the rapid
test that was put out doesn’t work well:

* So a lot of conclusions about the disease are quite uncertain, like this one:
In unpublished data, Canadian researchers have suggested that seasonal flu
vaccination may increase the risk of catching the H1N1 pandemic strain, but
such a pattern has not been found in the U.S., the CDC said.

2.  A lot of people over 52 or so have some immunity to this strain because
something similar went around circa 1958.

3. U.S. researchers said this week that H1N1 appeared unlikely to mix with
other circulating flu viruses into a “superbug.” Kieny said the new strain
would have to mutate in a significant way for the vaccines in the works to
be rendered ineffective.
But this was the main worry about the new H1N1 strain–that it would acquire
some genes from an other, more virulent flu, especially bird flu.  Otherwise
it was expected to be an average flu, with perhaps more cases among the
young, but no special danger.

4. H1N1 deaths seem to be usually from associated bacterial infections.

Mandatory Vaccination:
1. Because of the publicity, those in “responsible positions” are in CYA
mode.  And figure that vaccine tech is advanced from 1976.  Which is true,
but aren’t there also fewer companies, and maybe fewer researchers in the field?

2. There’s a lot of disagreement on the nursing forums below about how safe
the vaccine is–or, how safe we can know it to be.  Also, on how much
protection the patients get from the healthcare workers being vaccinated.
Someone said that even those vaccinated could be colonized & spread the flu.

3. The nurses say that the real problem is visitors.  Second, people who
come to work when they’re ill, and the supervisors or policies that
discourage them from staying home.  There was also disagreement about how
infectious you are before you have symptoms.

4. Safety:
Reuters again:
“Research on shots developed in response to H5N1 bird flu, which is more
fatal than the pandemic variety but spreads much less easily between humans,
has helped vaccine manufacturers develop safe H1N1 shots quickly, according
to Kieny.”
–The kind of statement that makes me want more detail:
(Good)They developed vaccines for H5N1 quickly and then tested them
carefully and some of them are quite safe, and the H1N1 vaccines were
developed and formulated the same way as those.
(Bad)The H1N1 vaccine is made with a new combination of features based on
the H5N1 experience.

6: The second round of vaccine could be safer than the 1st or 3rd:
2nd vs 3rd:
No flu vaccine approved for use in the United States has ever contained an
He said that a mild flu season would likely mean the trials of a vaccine
with an adjuvant would not get started. But a swine flu that returned
quickly and spread quickly might force their usage.
“the Europeans have used these same adjuvants for a long period of time with
a … reasonable safety record.”
But if adjuvants were to be used, they would likely be used in older people,
where they have been tested, rather than children.
even if the United States has enough, failure to use adjuvants means that
doses for developing countries — who don’t have their own vaccine
production capacity — are unavailable.
because the swine flu virus has not been experienced by many Americans, they
will need two doses of vaccine instead of one to develop immunity

1st vs 2nd:
The injected vaccine is likely to be safer than the mist, which contains
some live, weakened virus.  But the mist is what’s available first.

The comments of the Newsday article show how biased it is–that people
interviewed were misrepresented.
The regulation was put forward by declaring a state of emergency, which is
clearly bogus.  And the ‘SOE’ allows overriding religious and personal health (mainly egg allergy) exemptions.
That the vaccine producers were indemnified against lawsuits makes people mistrust the vaccine.
And lack of trust is the main objection.


Junkfood Science: Reality check — How have scary predictions about swine flu
held up to reality?

“Mandatory Flu Shots Hit Resistance” – Nursing for Nurses

Hospital Requiring Employees to take H1N1 Vaccine – Nursing for Nurses

Indigo Girl posts a lot about all things pandemic:

3 Responses

  1. […] Mandatory vaccines: Lawsuit News & Activist Research […]

  2. […] Posts 2009 Suffolk County ElectionsWhy Georgiana the Duchess of Devonshire is so important…Mandatory vaccines: Lawsuit News & Activist ResearchMaking spanking worse: Spanking of children in Missouri SchoolsWays to Prevent Afternoon […]

  3. People, R.T. Trall, an insightful New York M.D. once said it best, “disease itself is the remedial process it’s not something that needs to be cured (attacked, subdued, thwarted, killed), it’s something that should be allowed to complete its purification and repair unhindered”. Symptoms like fever, skin eruptions, mucus, headache, vomiting, sneezing, coughing etc. etc. are life saving, life preserving, and life protecting and that is why so many people get well IN SPITE OF all the wrong actions.
    The real problem is what precedes the symptoms, not the germ or the virus which is in the category of “predictable background phenomenon” but is the individual health choices and mass unhealthful events like for example Christmas partying (overeating, overworking, denatured foods (acidity) and no food digestion rules (acidity), other causes include
    uncleanliness, exposure to direct toxins (examples – pesticides in the food, sanitation issues, drug use ) and indirect toxins – example exhaustion which checks elimination. Examples of stress which contributes to exhaustion are cold weather, mass fear etc.
    Don’t FIGHT the disease with toxic pills and vaccines, but FACILITATE the disease process which IS THE RECOVERY and PURIFICATION PROCESS by detoxing and resting i.e. fasting or semi-fasting, rest, water, warmth, quiet (and sometimes the use of detoxifying substances such as fiber, and chlorophyll).
    Realize that the medical profession has always been part voodoo profession and as such they have always had a denial and cover-up culture because they have almost always insisted on using unnatural approaches that have had uncontrollable negative outcomes. Even though Pasteur agreed with Bechamp that the “terrain” i.e. the environment and your body are the key to understanding what microbes do and even when Pasteur denied his original premise that germs are the cause of disease, the medical profession had found its perfect story for their pervasive cover-up culture. Now they could successfully blame almost everything on germs and viruses and sound plausible.
    The only thing is they are injuring people when they attack disease because THEY ARE ATTACKING THE RECOVERY PROCESS WITH IDIOTIC POISONS LIKE MERCURY, FORMALDEHYDE, ALUMINUM, PUS FROM OTHER SPECIES etc etc.” The emperor has no cloths” but they are telling you that they are the “EXPERTS” i.e. “We’re the experts, so it must be true”.
    Dr. Andrew Moulden, a respected brain researcher, and one of many dissenters, has shown for example that all vaccines can cause strokes because the white blood cells formed clog small vessels which relates to elderly people/ Alzheimers, children/ autism.

    Yours for health truth,


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