A Long Island event…
PeaceSmiths Topical, A-Typical, Folk Music, Poetry, and Whatever Coffeeehouse

Mountain Maidens
Fri day June 6th, 2014 at 8PM
Last show of the season!
Share the fun!
Mountain Maidens, local Folk singers…
Pramila Venkateswaran, Poet Laureate of Suffolk County…
And a PeaceSmiths tradition…Sing-a-Long with Andy Greenhouse…Plus: Open Mic…Maybe You?
Info and directions at PeaceSmiths here and below the fold…
What an amazing line-up! A real Power Punch! The Open Mic is very open, and not to be missed. Old PeaceSmithies know there are lots of surprises in store. We have had: modern dance, satirical trios, and the recitation of eloquent manifestos. What can you share?
Held at:
PeaceSmiths is held at the First United Methodist Church in Amityville. We call it “The last church on the left.” Address: 25 Broadway Ave, Amityville, NY (Broadway is actually the southmost end of RT 110 near Merrick Road/Montauk Highway.)
$7 suggested donation…more if possible, less if necessary, includes healthy, vegetarian munchies
PeaceSmiths, Inc., community organizing for peace, justice and the environment. Please bring literature to share about: Peace, Justice, Environment, Occupy, etc! PeaceSmiths Coffeehouse happens the first Friday of the month, from October to June! (So, this is the last one of the season!) More about the performers:
Mountain Maidens: Local Folk singers, eclectic blend of Appalachian and other folk songs
Pramila Venkateswaran: Poet Laureate of Suffolk County, professor of English at SUNY Nassau Community College and widely published poet
Andy Greenhouse: Singer/Songwriter and well-known musician in the NY area will do a set, and then lead us in our tradition end of season sing-a-long!
Filed under: activism, Anti-War, Long Island Music, long island music scene, Long Island news, Long Island Politics, News, Peace, progressive politics Tagged: | andy greenhouse, Long Island peace groups, Mountain Maidens, peacesmiths, PeaceSmiths Coffeehouse, Pramila Venkateswaran, Suffolk County Poet Laureate
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