On May 2, 2006 beginning at 1pm at SUNY Stony Brook University's Charles Wang Cultural Center Lecture Hall 1, Movement One: Creative Coalition will present "Refusing Silence: The Life and Poetry of Huang Xiang." Currently a resident in The Cities of Asylum Program with his wife, the writer Qiu Ziao Yulan, Huang Xiang is a poet of conscience who was imprisoned twelve years in China because of his role as an organizer of the Democracy Wall Movement. Huang Xiang is author of over twenty books, all of which are still banned in his native China.
The program will feature Huang Xiang reading his own poetry in Chinese. There will also be readings of Andrew Emerson's English translations of Xiang's poetry. The readings will be preceded by the showing of a short documentary featuring Huang Xiang and Qiu Xiao Yulan. Reception to follow. The program is free and open to the public. Movement One: Creative Coalition is a New York based arts non-profit which organizes and supports projects that promote inter-cultural dialogue. Amongst other things, Movement One organizes the annual Queens International Poetry Festival.
For more information about this program or Movement One, please log on to
www.movementone.org or call 718-592-5958.
Filed under: events, grassroots democracy, international politics, Long Island Politics, rants, Recommended Poetry, social & economic justice, To Study Up On Nonviolence Tagged: | Uncategorized
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