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  • Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire: Ultimate Fan Guide

    Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire: The Ultimate Fan Guide [Kindle] $0.99.

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    Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire:  Ultimate Fan Guide

    Georgiana is the subject of the movie "The Duchess" (currently on Netflix) and a relative of the young Prince and Princess of Cambridge. Get the Ultimate Fan Guide -- with plot points, history, and what happened to the historical characters -- for only 99 cents!

  • Green Party Peace Sign Bumper Sticker

    Green Party Peace Sign Bumper Sticker
    The Green Party has continually opposed entry into war and has consistently called for the immediate return of our troops, in stark contrast to the Democratic and Republican parties.
    Today we march, tomorrow we vote Green Party.

  • Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened?

    Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? ebook cover


    Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? eBook

    Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? eBook on Amazon

    Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? eBook

    Reflections on Occupy Wall Street, with photos, fun, and good wishes for the future. eBook, Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? (Only $.99 !) In the eBook, the Occupy movement is explored through original reporting, photographs, cartoons, poetry, essays, and reviews.The collection of essays and blog posts records the unfolding of Occupy into the culture from September 2011 to the present.  Authors Kimberly Wilder and Ian Wilder were early supporters of Occupy, using their internet platforms to communicate the changes being created by the American Autumn.

    The eBook is currently available on Amazon for Kindle;  Barnes & Noble Nook ; Smashwords independent eBook seller; and a Kobo for 99 cents and anyone can read it using their Kindle/Nook Reader, smart phone, or computer.

Presidential Votes for Women t-shirt (and Suffs on Broadway)

Come buy our very fun “Presidential Votes for Women” t-shirt, with a layered message, and a wink to the Suffragettes! We have it for sale (in white background or blue background) at a print-on-demand website.

If you buy it this weekend, you should get it a few days before election day! (Maybe in time for the November 2nd Women’s March?)

This shirt would also make a wild fashion statement if worn on Broadway to Suffs The Musical! (Thanks to whoever got the Suffs on to Broadway when a tribute to the Suffragists and Suffragettes is so needed! Women, let’s gather together and vote!)

How did this project unfold?

My name is Kimberly Wilder. I am a poet, a former Green Party candidate, a progressive and third party activist, and a former organizer of a coffee house with the theme of peace, justice, and the environment. I have been a participant in Women’s March activities. I want Roe v Wade back!

I want to inspire everyone — but especially women — to get out the vote in a way that will help restore our reproductive rights and bring back at least the level of civil rights women had with Roe v. Wade. Read more »

Write-In Richard Schaeffer to save democracy!

Richard Schaeffer for Assembly District Two

There is no good candidate for NY State Assembly in District Two.

So, instead of feeding into the political games of party leaders, please take the time to write in “Richard Schaeffer” for Assembly District 2: Call him out. Name his game. And, don’t let the major parties thwart our democracy by gaming and/or trading races.
Read more »

Improving healthcare in New York: Petition on improving discharge practices

Picture by: Mangocove

New York State has an important law called Patients’ rights. One important section is about a patient’s right to participate in their discharge planning and to receive discharge papers. This right is critical to uphold, so that a patient can dispute being “evicted” from a hospital or emergency room if the patient or their advocate does not feel like they can or should leave.

I ran up against a huge problem trying to assert the right of a loved one I was advocating for to receive discharge papers when he was treated at Huntington Hospital/Northwell Health Emergency Room. I hope you might sign the petition to address the problems I experienced and to fix hospital discharge practices in New York: http://change.org/hospitaldischarge

My loved one has dementia and Traumatic Brain Injury/TBI. He could not sign any of the hospital papers for himself, nor give clear information about his needs. Then, when I tried to advocate for him, I was denied the right to speak to a doctor at all. And, I was stubbornly denied any discharge papers. Read more »

Please sign: Petition to Save the Dual Language Program

Why this petition matters?

<<The Dual Language Program at Riverhead Central School District has been a beacon of innovation and success since its inception. This program, established by a professional consultant, has been instrumental in fostering bilingual education and cultural understanding in our four early elementary schools. However, the proposed personnel and budget cuts for the 2024/2025 school year threaten to dismantle this valuable program…>>

If you are a resident of the Riverhead Central School District (which does include area in some surrounding towns, of course), signing this petition will be double-extra-super-powerful! Though, we invite anyone to sign from anywhere in the world who cares about innovative, bilingual programs, and school programs designed as cultural bridges between English Speakers and English Learners.

We received 180 signers in support in three days! That is awesome! Please add your name! And, share on social media!



A Three Minute Study in the proposed changes…

[See video below for current updated specifics and future updates. The district says they have not decided on everything. But, they are definitely saying it moves from our four elementary schools to just one elementary location.]


The above is a link to the Youtube video of what the Acting Assistant Superintendent for Business said at the 3/19/24 board meeting last night. It should start at the place she explained the dual language program. (But, you can study before, during, and after if you like.)

Also, if you do not like to click on links, or it does not work, please go to the school district web site BOE Meeting Information, find the 3/19 meeting, and click on “video”. That will take you to the Youtube. Please watch from 2:46:24 to 2:49:12 In less than three minutes, you can do your own fact checking.

PeaceSmiths Coffeehouse Fri 12/1/23

PeaceSmiths peace and justice coffeehouse offers music, poetry, and Open Mic time!
See “My Privilege” a Poet’s Theater piece about Long Island

PeaceSmiths Coffeehouse
Friday, December 1, 2023
at 8pm

Music: The band, “Friends”, with Steve Spinner. Covers of Dylan, Neil Young, and more. Musician Steve Spinner has played at PeaceSmiths before in the Open Mic and as a featured Performer!

Poetry: “My Privilege” a Poets Theater piece by Kimberly Wilder
Actor: Jim Navarre (Local actor and activist)

Disparaging comments about Latinos stir up controversy
in two Long Island communities (Riverhead and Brentwood).
Meet the man who does not care.

Open Time: Maybe you!

Bring your song, dance, poem, harangue or whatever it is you do!

$7 at the door

PeaceSmiths is held at…

First United Methodist Church, Amityville
25 Broadway, Amityville, NY, United States, New York
(The southernmost part of Rt. 110)
( “The Last Church on the Left”)

My Privilege: Poets Theater

A poetry play about diversity, white privilege, and racism in the Riverhead School community

No child is safe — not black children, not Latino children, not white children — from the consequences of the bullying, name calling, and conflict created as you press us down with your steady hands.
-A Chorus of Riverhead Families cries out in this poetry theater performance

The video above is a live performance of “My Privilege”, a Poets Theater piece performed on September 12, 2023 at the BOOG City 17 Arts Festival. A three member troupe traveled from Long Island to Brooklyn to perform this piece.

“My Privilege” was written by Riverhead community activist Kimberly Wilder. This premier performance stars local actors Jim Navarre as “Wallis” and Alan Stewart as “Wallis’s True Heart.”

Kimberly Wilder is the parent of a student who resides in the Riverhead Central School District. Ms. Wilder coordinates a family business called Riverhead Area School Info/RASi which includes a circle of families trying to heal Riverhead schools.

The core of the piece is a found poem. “My Privilege” quotes and explores a speech made by a school leader at a school board meeting after a board member was convinced to resign. “Wallis” is the character who gives the speech. The board member — named “Lottie” in this piece — had made disparaging comments about Latinos to the press. In addition, the piece includes many direct quotes from “Tia”, the character name for a real life community activist who spoke out and spoke up at the meeting.

Unfortunately, the message about a diverse community in conflict and pain rings too true with current events. The Riverhead Central School District is in the news again. This time, it is about some Riverhead students who said the n-word and bullied younger children at a Riverhead School football game.

Local News story about racial slur incident: https://riverheadlocal.com/2023/09/15/racial-slur-hurled-at-young-children-by-teens-at-riverhead-football-game-cannot-be-tolerated-great-grandfather-demands-action-by-district/

It is our hope that this poetry piece and the work of our Riverhead RASi families, might help to heal these wounds and make sure that more incidents like this one do not continue to happen.

Homeless Bill Of Rights

No person’s rights, privileges, or access to public services may be diminished, compressed or denied simply because they are experiencing homelessness .

Suffolk County and the Town of Riverhead need to adopt a Homeless Bill of Rights. Just like our community understands the need to protect the rights of other vulnerable groups — such as children and seniors — we also need to pay attention to how people are treated when they are experiencing homelessness.

A group of concerned neighbors who are community organizers, workers at service organizations for unhoused people, and others who have recently awakened to problems encountered by unhoused people, have gathered together to appeal to community members and leaders to be more fair and helpful.

One of our first projects as a group has been to work on a draft document for what a “Homeless Bill of Rights” might look like for Suffolk County and our local towns.

Your thoughts and comments are welcome at this blog. In addition, we would be so pleased if you would start a dialogue with any of your public officials. Another way to help would be to discuss this topic with friends and colleagues you know whose work relates to unhoused people: Many of them may already be aware of this project. Some of them may want to join our committee.

You can also direct comments and words of support to our new and developing group: Long Island Legislative Committee in Support of our Unhoused Neighbors. Our email address (with letters that don’t quite match up) is: lilcsun.forunhousedneighbors@gmail.com

Homeless Bill of Rights:
(A vision for Long Island governments. A proposal to Suffolk County and The Town of Riverhead)

No person’s rights, privileges, or access to public services may be diminished, compressed or denied simply because they are experiencing homelessness . For purposes of this section, “person experiencing homelessness” means any person who does not have a fixed or regular residence and who may live on the street or outdoors, in a homeless shelter or another temporary residence. Such a person has the same rights and privileges as any other resident of this state, and can expect these rights to be protected and respected. A person experiencing homelessness: 

(1) Has the right to use and move freely in public spaces, including, but not limited to, public sidewalks, public parks, public transportation and public buildings, in the same manner as any other person, and without discrimination on the basis of their housing status and without intimidation or harassment from anyone, including law enforcement officers, in the same manner as other persons. Non-hostile approach to architectural plans and design that promotes inclusivity and accessibility for all shall be promoted to this end;

(2) Has the right to equal treatment by all state and municipal agencies as related, but not limited, access to housing, healthcare, childcare, education, and social services, without discrimination on the basis of housing status, and shall not be made to believe they cannot apply for programs based on housing status or denied reasonable accommodations that they would otherwise be eligible for; 

(3) Has the right not to face discrimination while seeking or maintaining employment due to their lack of permanent mailing address, or their mailing address being that of a shelter or social service provider; 

(4) Has the right to emergency medical care free from discrimination based on their housing status; 

(5) Has the right to vote, register to vote, and receive documentation necessary to prove identity for voting without discrimination due to their housing status; 

(6) Has the right to receive equal treatment by state and municipal agencies, including the right to protection from disclosure of their records and information provided to homeless shelters and service providers to state, municipal and private entities without appropriate legal authority; and the right to confidentiality of personal records and information in accordance with all limitations on disclosure established by the Federal Homeless Management Information Systems, the Federal Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, and the Federal Violence Against Women Act; 

(7) Has the right to a reasonable expectation of privacy in their personal property, including tents, encampments, and any other dwellings free from unwarranted surveillance or intrusion to the same extent as personal property in a permanent residence, as well as the right to protection against the seizure or destruction of personal property, especially government documents and medication;

(7a) Has the right, by extension of item 7, to protection against encampment sweeps or forced relocation from dwelling site if alternate shelter is unavailable, or if the person experiencing homelessness is ineligible for placement in shelter as determined by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals (Martin v. City of Boise, 2019; Johnson v. City of Grants Pass, 2022);

(8) Has the right to access housing free from discrimination based on current housing status, to report and appeal housing discrimination including decisions related to shelter access. The U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) has clarified that discrimination against individuals with no permanent address or those whose address is that of a shelter or social service provider may constitute violations of the Fair Housing Act. 

-Draft proposal, updated and accurate as of July 4, 2023

Memorial Day at Stotzky Park: A helicopter

Riverhead certainly holds some surprises. Our family was playing with another family at Stotzky Park yesterday, May 29th. Then, all of the sudden, several police vehicles appeared in the corners of the back parking lot. And, then there was a fire truck and a lot of excitement.


What we found out was that a helicopter was about to land. I took my little one and headed to a safe viewing area by a field where she would be fenced in. (I did not trust that her curiosity might not make her run towards the action and the blades of the helicopter.) Ironically, the helicopter needed to turn itself around…only a few feet from us…in the field we were fleeing to. It was quite the adventure.

When the helicopter touched down, we went very purposefully to the field and stood behind a big sports fence to watch.

I have some photos and short videos.

Gathering info from the people gathered and our friends who spoke to the emergency officials, we think that a baby was involved in a car crash nearby. And, the helicopter was taking the baby and the mom to the correct hospital.

We will try to put any updates here, if they appear in other, local media.


Kimberly Wilder

Riverhead Area School Info and state designations

Two overlapping stories:

The Launch of a New Project: RASi

Wilderside Ltd., Kimberly Wilder, and some local parents have launched a new project called: Riverhead Area School Info or RASi. This project will draw attention to the strengths and weaknesses of local public and private schools; support families who have chosen alternative education; and try to make everything better and happier for students in the Town of Riverhead and its surrounds. The beginnings of our website is at riverheadrasi.wordpress.com . Or, contact us at: RiverheadRasi@gmail.com (Or, contact Kimberly Wilder).

We will post more in the next few days about ideas for improving some of the Riverhead Central School District schools, especially Roanoke Avenue and Pulaski.

Discussion about what it means that NY State has labeled
some Riverhead schools as needing help

Three public schools in the Riverhead Central School District have been given designations by the New York State Education Department which mean that the schools are not doing well. The consequences are that the school must develop plans to improve fast; the school district will receive grants from the state; and…if the designation continues…could mean that students in those schools can choose to go to better performing schools in the district. (More on that in upcoming stories and research here and at the RASi website.)

RASi is disappointed with newspaper coverage of this story.

The Riverhead Local wrote a story about this situation — ie: New York State labeling three schools as “Improvement” schools. Yet, the Riverhead Local focused on that fact that the designation gave state aid to our district, and did little to explain that the designations reveal big problems. Nor, did the Riverhead Local explain that it could mean families might have the right to choose alternative schools if they are in the low performing schools.

The Riverhead News-Review also covered the story. The News-Review story explained the situation a little more clearly. They quoted a district official as saying, “We’re hoping that we make strides and we escape the notation that is here.” Though, The News-Review also failed to let parents know that the failures of the school district and the local schools may give parents rights about choosing alternative school choices.

It should also be noted that, as many people may feel “trapped” in a poorly performing school, there is already a kind of choice through the district. Riverhead Central School District students may attend the Riverhead Charter School free of charge. riverheadcharterschool.org (Though, there is a specific application process, some deadlines, and a lottery. You could check in with the Riverhead Charter School and/or follow research and updates from RASi.)

At the elementary level, where Riverhead Central School District has four different schools, parents have another possible option. Roanoke Avenue is designated a “Comprehensive Improvement School” that needs help. If your child goes there, you could write to the school board and ask them if your child can switch to a higher performing school. Depending on the state process and status right now, Riverhead Central School District might decide to say yes or be forced to say yes. It is a strategy for parents can try now.

Of course, parents can always choose options such as: Private School, Homeschool, or diving in to your local public school politics and/or the district politics to make waves and/or volunteer!


Riverhead Central School District
School which have been labeled as needing help

Roanoke Avenue Elementary School
Comprehensive Support and Improvement school

Riverhead Middle School
Comprehensive Support and Improvement school

Pulaski Street School (an intermediary school)
Targeted Support and Improvement school

Elementary School Ratings:

According to various school rating organizations, the elementary schools in Riverhead Central School District have various levels of success. The ratings do not match up perfectly. Though, the nonprofit Great Schools https://www.greatschools.org/ put the ratings at:

Aquebogue Elementary: 7 out 10 (10 being highest)

Riley Elementary: 5 out 10

Phillips Elementary: 2 out of 10

Roanoke Elementary: 1 out of 10


Thank you for your concern for our local schools, our local children, and your child’s school success!
More information and suggestion to come.

Please contact RASi to join the discussion (and don’t forget to share your hopes and dreams with teachers and administrators!


Riverhead Area School Info / RASi is a project of Wilderside, Ltd.

Video: Pandemic Blues by Kimberly Wilder and Ian Wilder

Pandemic Blues. What happens when a married couple is stuck together in a house for way too long? This poem premiered at Boog City 15.5 Arts Festival, 2022. Poets: Ian Wilder and Kimberly Wilder.

Women are not safe.
We are stunned.

Women are not safe.
We are stunned.

Our human rights were squashed.
People measured and deliberated and reminded us that it has happened to other people before.
Politicians, including Democratic officials, postured and bandaged the edges and
left us here in our state of shock and oppression.
Around the country, in little pockets, laws are being changed to hurt us more and faster. Innocent women
are being prosecuted. Their mothers are being shamed, and prosecuted, and harassed.
Bad guys and backwards, old fashioned patriarchs are testing what else they can possibly do to women,
now that we are on the ground, foot on our necks, weakened.

It is not time to rest on laurels.
It is not time to get one law passed, or distract
America solving this little problem or that little problem.

It is time to stack the Supreme Court.
It is time to impeach the cheaters on the Supreme Court.
It is time to work each day
on how to solve this simmering problem.
It is time to listen to women,
even when they are choking on fear and silence.


By Kimberly Wilder

What Is Lost

(First draft. A poem that is bubbling up in me this morning. -KW)

What Is Lost

Please help me.
There is so much work to do.
I am forgetting to assert my dignity each day.
They have made a decree to take my rights away.
I am tired.
My dignity is fading away.
My subjugation is melting into the fabric of America.
Into the fabric of American injustice.

July 13th: Wear Black to Speak Out!

In order to bring attention to the 2022 tragic anti-Roe v Wade decision, and join with other calls for justice, Strike for America has called for a day of action on July 13th. You can stay home from work, buy-nothing, and/or wear black. Just let’s show how unhappy we are with the Supreme Court and the current state of affairs! Thanks Kimberly


Roe Journal: Day 8

Fighting for a woman’s right to her own, bodily autonomy.

My journal entry:

Roe Journal
Kimberly Wilder
July 1, 2022

I have a cold. I feel somewhat defeated.

I had wanted to do a real action in the real world each day. Though, that would have been very tough.

At least I took a bold, self-directed action. I started my own FaceBook Page: Roe Boycotts Go Nuclear. The goal is to try to make sure people know dates for proposed actions, boycotts, rallies, etc.

The FB group I joined which has more than 40,000 people is on pause. Basically, it has growing pains. I hope the admins can keep it together. Because, 40,000 of anything, no less human beings who agree on a political issue, is very good.

Let’s keep up the fight for women’s rights! (And, let’s be kind to each other in the process.)