U.S. Women's Chamber of Commerce Announces National Director for Political Leadership Initiative; USWCC's Pipeline to the Presidency Leader Aims to End Taxation Without Representation, Position Women for Winning Office Seats
WASHINGTON, April 14 /U.S. Newswire/ — The U.S. Women's Chamber of Commerce ™ today announced a new national director for its bold initiative, "Pipeline to the Presidency." Nancy Hurlbert, immediate past president of Business & Professional Women/USA, will direct the USWCC's "Pipeline to the Presidency" national program to significantly increase the number of women candidates for political office, and gain increased influence with key party and political decision makers.
The USWCC, the pre-eminent national women's chamber of commerce network representing more than 450,000 members and more than 10 million women business owners across the U.S., launched the initial phase of "Pipeline to the Presidency" in late 2004. A key objective for the national director and political and business leaders across the country is to significantly raise the level of influence women have in politics, according to USWCC CEO Margot Dorfman.
"We're determined to shake things up a bit," Dorfman said. "We want to help more women enter the pipeline, and help them gain more influence in our two-party system. Nancy will direct our "You should run!" campaign, which focuses on the numbers objective, encouraging women to seek office, or nominate and actively support other women candidates and office holders.
"She'll also work directly with elected leaders across the country on strategies to gain greater influence and access to the positions that are steppingstones to the presidency," Dorfman said.
Along with Hurlbert's appointment, the USWCC announced a new initiative, "Power of the Purse," to heighten awareness of the undeniable role money plays in gaining political influence, managing effective campaigns and winning elections.
Prior to her appointment as national director of "Pipeline to the Presidency," Hurlbert represented the BPW/USA at both the Democratic and Republican National Conventions, served as national legislative chair for BPW/USA, and president of the Florida Women's Consortium. She is COO of Hurlbert Enterprises, a property management firm in central Florida.
"I'm thrilled to be involved in the USWCC's "Pipeline to the Presidency" initiative," Hurlbert said. "We'll use the mid-term elections to propel the initiative into the 2008 general election. By recruiting, supporting and training women now, we'll have a pipeline to insure women's representation in Congress grows beyond its current miserable 14 percent.
"We'll radically increase the level of influence women have in politics and the political system," Hurlbert added. "The pipeline and the "Power of the Purse" will help place women in congressional seats, governor's mansions, and – in 2008 – the White House."
For more information on the USWCC's "Pipeline to the Presidency" initiative, please see http://www.uswcc.org/pipeline
For more information on the U.S. Women's Chamber of Commerce(tm), please see the organization's full-feature Web site: http://www.uswomenschamber.com
The U.S. Women's Chamber of Commerce(tm) is the leading advocate for women on economic and leadership issues. The USWCC creates opportunities and change for women by building a strong community voice, lobbying for members, and providing programs and benefits to support the economic growth of women across America. The USWCC is a not-for-profit 501(c)6 organization founded in 2001; its headquarters offices are located in Washington, D.C.
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