No money involved … but we can help make you an online demi-celebrity. And, with 250,000+ page views each week, that’s not bad.
Like the famous story of Tom Sawyer painting his Aunt Polly’s fence, I’m willing to let all of you have the great experience of writing news articles for Politics1 — but only if you’re up to the task.
Normally, I’ll admit I’m a fairly rigid control freak with the site content here (excluding the wide open exchanges in the blog comment threads). Still, I’d like to find a way to add more stories to the daily news update. That’s where you come in. If you’d like to try it (and, yes, you’ll be credited by name with the articles you write, so I will need your real first name/last name), here are some guidelines, rules and disclaimers:
All articles should be in the same general form as those we currently publish (i.e., one paragraph optimally around 150 words in length; but 300 words is the max length). The shorter the article, the better your chances are for being published.
- Politics1 (which means Ron) reserves the right to edit all articles for appropriateness and site style consistency (without changing the context of your writing), and also reserves the full discretion to reject any articles submitted for publication.
- IMPORTANT: These are to be news stories, and NOT editorials, election predictions, poll analysis, or campaign press releases/puff pieces. “State Senator X starts 9-city bus tour in race for Governor” is not a story we would ever publish.
- The topics are limited to those related to US elections (particularly Presidential, US Senate, Congressional, gubernatorial and “big city” mayoral races).
- Try to keep the tone fairly neutral/balanced.
- All articles must be sourced (i.e., something like “…, according to the [insert newspaper/TV station name].” must appear in the article to show the original source if it is not original reporting).
- Try not to get “too local” or obscure in the level of the election covered — unless it is a particularly colorful story.
- There will obviously be days when different people submit similar articles. Don’t get your feelings hurt is someone else’s gets selected.
That said, please submit articles to me at, write ARTICLE in the subject line, and email the article(s) to me within the body of your email (please don’t submit them as attachments). I’ll still only do the updates each evening — as I’m at my “real job” during the day — but this should help broaden our coverage.
There is no commitment. Submit just one article … or an article everyday … it is entirely up to you. Besides, wouldn’t “contributing political writer” look great on your resume!
So … are you interested?
Filed under: election, reform, US Politics Tagged: | UFPJ, Uncategorized
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