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Third Annual Small, Small Press Fair, 8/17

Boog City presents d.a. levy lives: celebrating the renegade press

Season 4 Kick-off:  Third Annual Small, Small Press Fair

Thurs. Aug. 17, 6:00 p.m., free

ACA Galleries, 529 W.20th St., 5th Flr., NYC

with talks and readings by editors and contributors from:
Fence, co-editor Charles Valle and poetry editor Max Winter
Fungo Monographs, editor and publisher Ryan Murphy
Futurepoem books, editor and publisher Dan Machlin
Hanging Loose Press, associate editor Marie Carter
Kitchen Press, editor Justin Marks
Lungfull, editor Brendan Lorber
Open 24 Hours, editors John Coletti and Greg Fuchs
Portable Press at Yo-Yo Labs, editor Brenda Iijima
Sona Books, editor Jill Magi

and music from
Rachel Lipson

There will be wine, cheese, and fruit, too.

Curated and with an introduction by Boog City editor David Kirschenbaum
For information call 212-842-BOOG (2664) * editor@boogcity.com

Directions: C/E to 23rd St., 1/9 to 18th St.
Venue is bet. 10th and 11th avenues


*Boog City is a New York City-based small press now in its 15th year and East Village community newspaper of the same name. It has also published 35 volumes of poetry and various magazines, featuring work by Allen Ginsberg and Lawrence Ferlinghetti among others, and theme issues on baseball, men’s writing, and Louisville, KY. It  hosts and curates two regular performance series–d.a. levy lives: celebrating the renegade press, where each month a non-NYC small press and its writers and a musical act of
their choosing is hosted at Chelsea’s ACA Galleries; and Classic Albums Live, where 5-13 local musical acts perform a classic album live at venues including The Bowery Poetry Club, CBGB’s, and The Knitting Factory. Past albums have included Elvis Costello, My Aim is True; Nirvana, Nevermind; and Liz Phair, Exile in Guyville.

Fabulously non-wealthy founding editor Rebecca Wolff launched Fence in 1998, with the invaluable aid of her beloved compatriots Caroline Crumpacker, Jonathan Lethem, Frances Richard, and Matthew Rohrer. Max Winter signed up soon after and has the distinction of being the only non-original editor who’s lasted more than a few years, so far. Read the history books: It’s been a long steady roll down the hill of institutional derangement. Fence Books was launched in 2001 and continues to awe the caring populace with the genius it smacks between covers (French folds, at that). Support Fence! Current editors include brilliances Lynne Tillman, Christopher Stackhouse,
Katy Lederer, and, last but far from least, Charles Valle, who keeps our little picket boat afloat.

*Fungo Monographs is the publisher of “Seven Palms” by Kira Henehan, and belongs to a series of one-shot publications published at random intervals and inefficiently distributed. Jordan Davis has described Fungo Monographs and the collective one-shot series as: “perhaps the most perverse concept of branding yet to emerge from poetryland’s anti-business-model incubator…”

*Futurepoem publishes innovative prose, poetry and cross-genre literature by both emerging and underrepresented writers.  Our rotating editorial panel shares the responsibility for selecting and helping to publicize the books that we publish. Before submitting work, we recommend perusing our previous titles as a good indication of the range of work that we like to publish.  For more information on publications and submission guidelines, visit www.futurepoem.com and consider joining our mailing list.

*Hanging Loose is celebrating its 40th anniversary this year. It is one of the oldest small literary presses in the country. The name was inspired by the format of the original magazine–mimeographed loose pages in a cover envelope–and that, in turn, was inspired by a very low budget. Effective with the 25th issue we abandoned that format to the relief of librarians and booksellers.  Early on, the Hanging Loose editors decided we were not interested in begging poems from famous writers but in stressing work by new writers and older writers whose work deserved a larger audience.  The editors are proud of having published many first books, including the first full collections by Sherman Alexie, Kimiko Hahn, D. Nurkse, Jack Agüeros, Elinor Nauen, Joanna Fuhrman, Maggie Nelson, Indran Amirthanayagam, and Beth Bosworth, among others. Some of the other writers published by HL are Wilma Elizabeth McDaniel, Frances Phillips, Harvey Shapiro, Jayne Cortez, Ron Overton, Helen Adam, Paul Violi, Charles North, Ha Jin,  Morton
Marcus, Maureen Owen, Donna Brook, Yukihide Hartman, Jack Anderson and Ed

*Kitchen Press is a micro-press run out of Hell’s Kitchen, NYC, and is a member of CLMP. It’s purpose is to publish quality handmade chapbooks by
emerging poets.

*Rachel Lipson is a Brooklyn-based songwriter who performs her simple, honest songs on guitar (and sometimes ukulele and banjo). Born near Detroit, MI, she spent her childhood building forts with her brother and sister in the living room, contemplating the dangers of the dark and pizza deliverers, riding horses and playing with friends. Rachel first picked up a guitar at age 16 and a few years later, after having moved to New York, began crafting the songs that would make up her first album, This Way, which she
self-released the next year. In 2003 Rachel released a 7″ with Rough Trade recording artist Jeffrey Lewis, on Holland’s Nowhere Fast record label and self-released her second album Some More Songs. She toured Europe for seven weeks with Lewis and Herman Düne in the summer, including the Mofo festival in Paris in July. In the fall, Rachel recorded a new album at Olive Juice Studios in New York for her latest release Pastures on Meccico Records, a UK label founded and run by members of Cornershop. In the last few years, Rachel has collaborated and performed extensively with Leah Hayes (of La
Laque and Scary Mansion), Herman Düne and others and has played alongside
Eugene Chadbourne, Kimya Dawson, Daniel Johnston, The Mountain Goats and
Refrigerator, as well as twice performing live on WFMU in New Jersey and on WNYC, a division of NPR. Rachel Lipson’s music combines a sort of radical simplicity and honesty with intricately woven narratives. The lyrics seem to have as much to do with William Faulkner as they do with Woody Guthrie. The music recalls the earliest folk traditions and yet speaks at the same time to a contemporary minimal aesthetic. While sometimes the approach is blindingly direct and at others masterfully oblique, the overall effect is
irresistible, one of invitingly gentle beauty and clarity.

*Lungfull! Magazine is the waterproof brainchild of editor Brendan Lorber. Featuring an impeccably glossy cover and usually illustrated by Lorber’s drawings (which quite often include sketches of poets reading publicly), the magazine is unique in that it juxtaposes the first draft of a work with the published version, and includes an extensive “working note” by writers. It’s highly compelling to examine where a writer began with an idea, and how s/he took that idea into a finished poem. And the first drafts present an enormous range: from scribbled drawings on napkins, to just-about-finished typed poems that apparently sprang out full-blown, like Athena from the head of Zeus. Contributors include Bill Berkson, Eileen Myles, Alice Notley, Walt Whitman, and Emily Dickinson.

*Open 24 Hours is dedicated to publishing limited edition books by poets working in traditions rooted in experimentation and social engagement. The Open 24 Hours design is influenced by the staple-bound mimeo revolution of the American small press underground most visibly recognized in the books published by many 2nd- and 3rd-generation New York School Poets. We have simply adapted the method to digital technology.

Open 24 Hours has published books by Mariana Ruiz Firmat, Corina Copp, Betsy
Fagin, Joel Dailey, Chris Toll, and Steve Carey. Forthcoming are books by Erica Kaufman, Arlo Quint, Will Yakulic, and Dustin Williamson. Open 24 Hours is based in New York City, edited and designed by John Coletti and Greg Fuchs. Jon Allen is our in-house illustrator. We took the name from D.C. poet Buck Downs, who published a poetry zine by the same name. Downs inherited Open 24 Hours from Baltimore poet Chris Toll, who started it in 1980.

*Portable Press at Yo-Yo Labs endeavors to publish works that possess a vitality and holistically consider emotional and political realms to say the least. Works that venture out beyond writing program platforms and community expectations. Works that have substantiality in the way of vision.

*Sona Books, run out of Brooklyn, is a community-based chapbook press with a
corresponding web magazine, published about two times a year, at www.sonaweb.net.  Sona Books publishes works that are quiet, risky, experimental, collaborative, hybrid, and sometimes rough around the edges. The press seeks ways to reach wide audiences and to teach non-poets about so-called “difficult” poetries and prose works; to this end, the press runs a subscription series, publishes bulletins entitled “how to read a Sona
Book,” and encourages writers to publish process notes.  It’s the goal of Sona Books to stay small, to reach out to poets whose projects may be “under the radar,” to facilitate self-publishing exchanges among writers, and to affirm generative relationships between editor and writer.


24 Hours: greg@gregfuchs.com or acoldgobot@hotmail.com

Next event, Thurs. Sept. 7
Anchorite Editions (Albany)

David A. Kirschenbaum, editor and publisher
Boog City
330 W.28th St., Suite 6H
NY, NY 10001-4754
For event and publication information:
T: (212) 842-BOOG (2664)
F: (212) 842-2429

2 Responses

  1. acsvpzqu

    ctuidlli jhlbezycs vkomhyja ktczgzma

  2. Let me know next time you do this – I’d love to attend. I can also help you publicize/promote it for free through my poetry calendar google group.

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