You know that the way we draw our district lines here in New York is tainted by partisanship and designed to protect incumbents at the expense of giving voters real choice in elections.
Now, you have a chance to tell the state legislature what you would do if the maps were turned over to you. Over the next few weeks, the Assembly is holding a series of three hearings in Utica, Buffalo and New York City to hear what New Yorkers have to say about the current process and how they would like to see it changed.
You can view the public hearing notice and sign up to speak here:
If one of these hearings is scheduled for your area, please consider attending to let the Assembly know what you think or just to listen to what others have to say. Please know that those who wish to speak must print out and send in the form available on the Assembly website so that time can be scheduled for your remarks.
The hearing schedule is:
Utica: Monday, September 25, 2006, 10AM, Utica State Office Building Conference Rooms A and B
Buffalo: Tuesday, September 26, 2006, 10AM, Buffalo and Erie County Public Library Auditorium
New York City: Tuesday, October 17, 2006, 10:30AM, Assembly Hearing Room (250 Broadway, 19th Floor)
If you are a Common Cause member and would like background information to help you prepare comments for the hearings, please feel free to call us at 1-800-300-8707. We will be happy to mail, email or fax a package of materials to you.
Thank you for all you do for Common Cause in New York!
Rachel Leon
CC/NY Executive Director
p.s. Tomorrow is Primary Day in New York – if you’re registered in a political party, don’t forget to go to the polls to make your voice heard!
p.p.s. Many local New York activists are concerned about the redistricting issue. Check out the website of one Rochester-area group, Citizens for Better Government in New York, and see what they’re doing to try to change the system. If you like what you see, you can sign their reform petition!
Support Common Cause/NY:
Filed under: Action Alert!, activism, election, New York State Politics Tagged: | book of the month, UFPJ, Uncategorized
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