Focus the Nation informational meetings.
*Huegenot Church, Pelham Manor- Sunday, September 17th, 12:00 noon
*Lehman College- Monday, September 18th, 12:00 Noon
*Columbia University-Monday, September 18th, 4:00 PM
Introductory remarks by Dr. James Hansen
*NE Organizing Conference, Middlebury VT- Saturday, September 30th All Day.
*Focus the Nation* is a national global warming educational initiative, coordinating teams of faculty, students and staff at over a thousand colleges and universities and high schools in the United States to participate in a nationwide, nonpartisan discussion on the theme of climate stabilization. The project will also include the participation of religious, civic and business organizations, and will culminate on Jan. 31, 2008, in one-day symposia to be held simultaneously on campuses across the country. Focus the Nation could be a catalyzing event on par with Earth Day 1970, helping turn the national conversation about global warming from fatalism to constructive engagement with the challenge of our generation.
Who should attend the informational meetings? All faculty, students and staff from K-12 through the University level interested in an innovative national experiment in interdisciplinary education; representatives of church, business or civic organizations; concerned citizens.
Focus the Nation is directed by Dr. Eban Goodstein, Professor of Economics at Lewis & Clark College ( ~eban) . For more information, please visit www.focusthenation. org/test. html , contact info@focusthenation .org, or call 503-343-6863.
To learn more about Focus the Nation, and to help build maximum participation in the NYC area, please attend one of the following informational discussions by Dr.Goodstein:
Sunday, September 17th , 2006
12:00 Noon
Huguenot Memorial Church
Pelham Manor, NY
http://www.huguenot index.htm
Monday, September 18th , 2006
12 Noon
Lehman College
Department of Environmental, Geographic & Geological Sciences
Carman Hall B34
http://www.lehman. lehman/
Monday, September 18th, 2006
4:00 PM
Introductory remarks: Dr. James Hansen
Columbia University
Secretariat of the Global Roundtable on Climate Change
Room 555, Alfred Lerner Hall
Morningside Campus
Saturday, September 30th
10:00 AM-5:00 PM
NE Regional Organizing Conference
Middlebury College
Department of Environmental Studies
www.middlebury. edu
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