Don’t miss this chance to see if solar works for you!
The largest public renewable energy education event in the world iscoming to Long Island on Saturday, October7 from 10 am to 4 pm.
It is a FREE, self-guidedtour of dozens of homes, businesses and other buildings with solar featuresincluding passive solar design, solar hot water and solar-electricgenerating systems.
The Solar Tour is an excellent way toexperience first-hand that solar energy really works on Long Island. Youcan learn about the benefits of solar and other forms of renewable energy,watch electric meters run backwards, see the actual savings on utilitybills in buildings in your community, and talk to the people who own thesesystems. Find out more at
Sign up today for your FREE Visitor’s Pass and see a map of more than 90 tour locations at
Looking forward to see you on October 7th.
Please forward this message to anyone who may havean interest in clean energy.
Thank you for supporting renewable energy for LongIsland,
Gordian Raacke, Executive Director, Renewable Energy LongIsland (RELI)
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