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Tell the Senate Not to coddle Corrupt Gun Dealers

NRA-Allies Attempt to Ram H.R. 5092 through Senate
After Tuesday’s passage in House, NRA tries to force bill through before October recess

Breaking News: Last night, the gun lobby’s allies tried to ram a dangerous piece of legislation, H.R. 5092, through the Senate. Please call your Senators today and tell them that not only is H.R. 5092 bad policy, but it would be irresponsible for the Senate to take it up without hearings and a full and fair debate!

Tell them: “Don’t Ram H.R. 5092 through the Senate.
It’s a Dangerous Bill that Deserves Full and Fair Debate.”

On Tuesday, H.R. 5092, a bill that would make it almost impossible for ATF to shut down corrupt gun dealers, passed the U.S. House and now, with only a few days before Congress’ pre-election recess, the NRA is working hard to force this bill through the Senate without Committee hearings, or proper debate.

We need to let our Senators know to oppose this dangerous bill that would cripple ATF’s enforcement ability and make it virtually impossible to revoke the licenses of corrupt gun dealers who help arm gun traffickers, drug dealers, and gangs.

H.R. 5092 is opposed by major law enforcement organizations and key officials, including the International Association of Chiefs of Police, the International Brotherhood of Police Officers, the Federal Law Enforcement Officers Association, and former Directors of ATF.

How can the Senate pass a bill that is opposed by law enforcement? It makes no sense. That’s why they are resorting to procedural tactics that circumvent the process.

Here’s What You Can Do Today to Help:

1. Call Your U.S. Senators.
Call the switchboard at 202-224-3121 and they will transfer you. Or click here to look up your Senators’ direct numbers.

Give Your Senators the Message:
“I am a constituent calling to Oppose H.R. 5092. Don’t let the NRA ram H.R. 5092 through the Senate. It’s a dangerous bill that deserves full and fair debate.”

Don’t forget to call both your Senators!

2. If you prefer, Email Your Senators.
One click will email this important message to both of your U.S. Senators.

3. Spread the Word
The NRA is counting on no one paying attention during this busy wrap-up time before the October recess. Use our easy form to forward this email to everyone in your address book. Our Senators needs to hear loud and clear that this bill should not be passed. Click here to forward this email to family and friends.

At a time when gun crime rates are rising, and mayors and local leaders across the country are desperately seeking help, Congress should be cracking down on, not coddling, dangerous gun dealers — and rejecting H.R. 5092.

Your Friends at

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