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    Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire:  Ultimate Fan Guide

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    Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? eBook

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    Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? eBook

    Reflections on Occupy Wall Street, with photos, fun, and good wishes for the future. eBook, Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? (Only $.99 !) In the eBook, the Occupy movement is explored through original reporting, photographs, cartoons, poetry, essays, and reviews.The collection of essays and blog posts records the unfolding of Occupy into the culture from September 2011 to the present.  Authors Kimberly Wilder and Ian Wilder were early supporters of Occupy, using their internet platforms to communicate the changes being created by the American Autumn.

    The eBook is currently available on Amazon for Kindle;  Barnes & Noble Nook ; Smashwords independent eBook seller; and a Kobo for 99 cents and anyone can read it using their Kindle/Nook Reader, smart phone, or computer.

Sat Oct 28 Song Box: Russ Seeger & Brian Sendrowitz, in Seaford

The Song Box Eighth Season! This month in Seafordon the same program:


Russ Seeger Brian Sendrowitz

Fourth Saturday, October 28 at 8PM The Fourth Saturday,

$10 donation for performer, + voluntary optional donation for Song Box expenses + Canned goods for needy

Please bring some food and beverage to share at the break!

A pot-luck buffet is served during the break between performers – bring something if you’re feeling creative!

NEW LOCATION! in Seaford this month!

Please make advance reservations by sending an email to songbox@optonline.net. You will be sent a confirmation and directions via return email.

More complete information is given below.

The Song Box shows are presented by George Trapani, Jane Ross, and Richard de Bruin

Thank you for your support of the Artists and The Song Box for the Eighth season.

I look forward to seeing you at The Song Box, this month in Seaford

Yours Truly,

Richard de Bruin


The Song Box Eighth Season Opening! This month in Seaford

on the same program:

Russ Seeger
Brian Sendrowitz

Russ Seeger

Russ Seeger is an uniquely talented songwriter and guitarist who’s been around the Long Island scene since the ’70s when he was a member of The Sheiks. Russ’s most recent band project is The Last Hombres, with drummer Levon Helm. They released their first album, “Redemption” in 2004. Russ Seeger has performed on the Bob Dylan tribute album, “Dylan Uncovered.”

Come see a wonderful performence by Russ Seeger!


Brian Sendrowitz www.briansendrowitz.com

brian1.jpgBrian Sendrowitz, a true poet, gleans the best from our American folk traditions and reshapes them into rhythms and stanzas that speak volumes about the contemporary struggle for personal and spiritual freedom. Without diatribe and dogma, Brian never ceases to challenge the listener to join him in the age old quest for the essence of truth and love. Combining the innocence of Springtime with the burnished leaves of Fall, Brian takes us on timeless journeys from Providence to our fall from grace which was simply the scientific reality of gravity and had nothing to do with thoughts or deeds.” -Sonny Meadows, Aural Fix Communiqué —-

Brian Sendrowitz’s albums include Morning is Broken; This Fleeting House; and When it Comes on like a Dream. .

Brian Sendrowitz also appears in Beat Radio http://beatradio.org/

Saturday, October 28 at 8 PM

$10 donation for performer + voluntary optional donation for Song Box expenses + Canned goods for needy

A pot-luck buffet is served during the break between performers – bring something if you’re feeling creative

The Song Box

The finest regional and local performers with some national performers

Folk music, singer songwriter Performances in a cozy stage setting

“Ah, the Song Box; this has got to be the best venue on Long Island to see anyone.” Amy’s music info concertnotes@optonline.net 6-21-05 (Subscribe to Gary’s Long Island Concert Notes LIConcertNotes@optonline.net)

The only regularly scheduled Long Island house concert featured by Robbie Woliver, LI Section, New York Times, 8-5-01

“One of the most remarkable efforts…” Sonny Meadows, Folk U., Aural Fix, July 2001

Fourth Saturday Fall 2006 Since we had a summer break this becomes the Eighth Season, I think!

Fourth Sat Nov 25 Pat Wictor www.patwictor.comIain Campbell Smith www.iaincampbellsmith.com Dec check! It would be the day before Christmas Eve


This month’s show is being held in a recording studio at a private residence in Seaford, Long Island (South Shore Nassau County). Seating is limited. Please make advance reservations by sending an email to songbox@optonline.net. You will be sent a confirmation and directions via return email. If you have no Email make reservations at 516-579-5365

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