“Willow” http://webfyre.net/willow will be performing this coming Friday evening 11/3 at a program co-sponsored by the Shelter Rock Peace Forum and the Women’s Group of the Unitarian Universalist Congregation at Shelter Rock at
UUCSR–48 Shelter Rock Road, Manhasset
“Mirror, Mirror on the Wall: Reflections on Terriorism”
with speaker Vinie Burrows a leader in Grandmothers for Peace (aka, The Raging Grannies)
The program begins at 7:30.
Willow will perform at 7:15-7:30 and then again during the program.
Burrows, http://www.vinieburrows.com, an acclaimed actress and activist, was arrested for demonstrating in front of the recruitment center in Times Square, asking that she and other grannies be enlisted rather than their sons and daughters and grandchildren.
Coffee and dessert will be served after the program. Suggested donation: $5
Filed under: Anti-War, Long Island Music, Political Websites, Press Release, Recommended Music, reform, US Politics Tagged: | Harry Potter, Uncategorized
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