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    Georgiana, Duchess of Devonshire:  Ultimate Fan Guide

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  • Green Party Peace Sign Bumper Sticker

    Green Party Peace Sign Bumper Sticker
    The Green Party has continually opposed entry into war and has consistently called for the immediate return of our troops, in stark contrast to the Democratic and Republican parties.
    Today we march, tomorrow we vote Green Party.

  • Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened?

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    Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? eBook

    Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? eBook on Amazon

    Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? eBook

    Reflections on Occupy Wall Street, with photos, fun, and good wishes for the future. eBook, Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? (Only $.99 !) In the eBook, the Occupy movement is explored through original reporting, photographs, cartoons, poetry, essays, and reviews.The collection of essays and blog posts records the unfolding of Occupy into the culture from September 2011 to the present.  Authors Kimberly Wilder and Ian Wilder were early supporters of Occupy, using their internet platforms to communicate the changes being created by the American Autumn.

    The eBook is currently available on Amazon for Kindle;  Barnes & Noble Nook ; Smashwords independent eBook seller; and a Kobo for 99 cents and anyone can read it using their Kindle/Nook Reader, smart phone, or computer.

Radical Caring

Radical Caring, the International Radical Activist Publication and Podcast Now…
Accepting Submissions and Volunteers

Dear friends,

Radical Caring, is the not-for-profit, non-corporate, People’s Empowerment Publication and Podcast Dedicated to Encouraging, Inspiring, Networking, Celebrating and Remembering Activists and Communities Worldwide.

New photography and new writing is sought about anything directly or indirectly related to radical activism. Submissions are also sought about radical activist communities, including intentional communities, commune, co-ops, ecovillages, collectives, squats, tent cities, nomadic caravans and other radical shared living and community situations.

Radical Caring is also seeking volunteers to work on the Radical Caring online radio station and podcast! Volunteers are also sought who are interested in reviewing independent chapbooks, zines, music, DVD’s, activist protests and communities conferences. Radical Caring provides completely free-of-charge online and print photo-classifieds to all activists in the following categories:

*free events
*communities seeking members
*worldwide missed connections
*announcements by infoshops/zine libraries, independent and underground libraries
*and activists obituaries.

All subscriptions to Radical Caring come with unlimited duplication/distribution rights so that you, your community or organization can sell duplicate current and back issues as fund raisers, while keeping all the profits.

Also, please see our ads or announcements in your local activist publications including the Permaculture Activist, issue #62 and 63, the next three issues of Zine World, the current and next two issues of Off Our Backs, the feminist newsjournal, and many more!

Love, Solidarity,


Web Address: http://www.RadicalCaring.org


Frequently unasked Question: “Whats In It For Me?”

Radical Caring is a not-for-profit publication and the position is
paid. “Payment is in the form of extended complimentary subscription,
complimentary display ad, (to be exact, a ‘1/6 pg 5″ high by 2 1/2’
wide ad- currently valued at $29.00 but a far greater value when you
consider that most writers can’t afford an ad inside most corporate
magazines which they write for). In addition, the author is permitted
to duplicate and sell Radical Caring keeping all profits (which has a
potential value of thousands of dollars) and other awards are given.”

Many other magazines, publishers and especially multinational
corporations create writing positions that offer, cold hard cash which
percentage wise, equates to less than .000005% of the profit which
they make on the final writing product. Radical Caring actually cares
about our writers thus we offer them the opportunity for writers to
actually sell the final product keeping 100% of the profits.

We hope you will join our volunteer team of radical activist writers
and podcasters. You can contact our volunteer/submissio ns team
through the email address on our website. Thank you.

2 Responses

  1. Thanks for the post, very useful and informative.

  2. mmm, how much does this blog software cost? if i may ask.

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