Again, Dear Veterans For Peace and Supporters . . .
Is higher this morning at 2995, but is still short of the benchmark of 3000 KIA in Iraq to hold our vigil. No doubt it shall sadly happen tomorrow on New Year’s Eve or, how ironic, on New Year’s Day. If so, we can use it as a peaceful cudgel to beat over the heads of the New 110th Congressional majorities in both the Senate and the Congress to demand that they adhere to the will of the people as overwhelmingly demonstrated in the November 7th election and get out of the tragic debacle of Iraq NOW — of course, we will do that in any case.
I spoke with Karen yesterday about a situation raised by Dennis, concerning what we would in the event, very unlikely unhappily, the number of 3000 KIA did not happen by next Saturday. My suggestion is that we would hold the event in any case, because in truth the number 3000 is an arbitrary number, and it is tragic for one American or Iraqi to have died as a result of BushCo’s follies, which are only an extension of an Imperial policy fostered by both his father and President Clinton towards Iraq. With the announced hanging of Saddam Hussein late last night, it is most unlikely that we shall be under the 3000 US death benchmark — unfortunately, we may be considerably above it.
So it is carved in planned-for stone — we shall hold a Vigil to mourn the circa 3000 US military personnel killed and the 660,000 Iraqi Citizens next Saturday, January 6, 2007 at the Armed Forces Plaza on Route 347 in front of the H. L. Dennison State Building between 4:00 pm and 6:00 pm. To repeat our agreed upon activities to date here is what has been planned to happen:. We:
- some of us, whoever volunteers, shall assemble earlier in the afternoon at a place to be designated this week to finish the signs provided by Tom Cowan that I shall pick up from his Riverhead office on Friday. We shall also help Loretta and Cathy of Code Pink put up pink ribbons with the name and age of each KIA in the surrounding trees.
- the rest of us shall gather at 4:00 pm in the parking lot dressed in dark clothing. It is suggested that each car radio antenna have a black ribbon, flag or material tied to it. Each person shall have a candle/flashlight.
- some of us, we can rotate this assignment, shall stand along Rout 347 the whole two hours with the white lettering on black signs announcing the 3000+ and 660,000+ deaths of US and Iraqis and which ask How Many More ???
- in solemn mourning the rest of us shall weave ourselves in, around and among the various memorials to other wars that are part of the Armed Forces Plaza. It is suggested there be no signs other than ours and Code Pink’s and that we maintain silent mourning as we would at any funeral, quietly consoling each other.
- at 6:00 pm we shall line up in one, hopefully very long, rank facing Route 347. Starting from the extreme right, we shall one by one individually with a silent petition to whatever gods/goddesses we each believe in extinguish our candle/flashlight.
- when it is totally dark, we shall silently return to our cars and leave the parking lot.
We can continue to collaboratively discuss this plan amongst ourselves, here or through email and/or phone calls. I am open to any changes, improvements, revisions that arise amongst us.
I want to thank Tom, Loretta, Sheila, Cathy, Dennis , Karen and the many others who have discussed and spread the word about this event throughout the Peace & Justice community on Long Island.
Bless & Power to Us Peacemakers,
thomas brinson, Facilitator
Long Island, NY VFP, Chapter 138
VVAW Long Island Contact
II Corps Vietnam, 67-68
Indeed, I tremble for my country when I reflect that God is Just.
Thomas Jefferson, 1785
Filed under: Action Alert!, activism, Anti-War, local, Long Island Music, Long Island Politics, media, Peace Tagged: | book of the month, obesity, Working Families Party
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