Hope some people who understand the complexities of the immigration issue will consider attending the following committee meetings of the Suffolk County Legislature.
Tuesday, March 13th at 10 am: Budget & Finace Committee Session includes a discussion of IR 1187 – Amending Resolution No. 8 – 2007 to remove Bank of America as a County Depository. Initiated by Legislator Ed Romaine [Republican].
This move is considered some kind of backlash to the Bank of America for changing their rules in a way that would seem to allow non-citizens to more easily get credit cards. It is difficult for me to understand all the reasons. Though, my fear is that the idea to punish or boycott Bank of America seemed to originate with the immigrant-bashers. So, I would say: slow down. (Isn’t moving the counties money from one bank to another a big decision, where many ramifications should be studied, not lobbying by one group?)
Thursday, March 15th at 9:30 am: Public Safety Committee Session includes a discussion of IR 1022, a local law to prohibit obstruction of county roadways, initiated by Legislator Eddington [Working Families Party]
This law is masquerading as a public safety law. People who have been following the issue understand that this is actually a “Standing While Latino” bill which will further encourage local law enforcement to profile hispanic people. It is cover for a way to stop the day laborers, without meeting the true needs of them and the community.
If you can’t make the meetings, you can check what committees your legislator is on, and get their phone number from http://www.co.suffolk.ny.us/legis/
Filed under: Action Alert!, Anti-War, cynthia mckinney, events, Food, immigration, Labor, local, News, Political Websites, rants, social & economic justice Tagged: | howie hawkins, obesity, rainbowpush, Working Families Party
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