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    Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? eBook

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    Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? eBook

    Reflections on Occupy Wall Street, with photos, fun, and good wishes for the future. eBook, Occupy Wall Street: What Just Happened? (Only $.99 !) In the eBook, the Occupy movement is explored through original reporting, photographs, cartoons, poetry, essays, and reviews.The collection of essays and blog posts records the unfolding of Occupy into the culture from September 2011 to the present.  Authors Kimberly Wilder and Ian Wilder were early supporters of Occupy, using their internet platforms to communicate the changes being created by the American Autumn.

    The eBook is currently available on Amazon for Kindle;  Barnes & Noble Nook ; Smashwords independent eBook seller; and a Kobo for 99 cents and anyone can read it using their Kindle/Nook Reader, smart phone, or computer.

Wanted: Progressive Actors, Singers, Directors, Stage Managers, Keyboardists…

TO PERFORM ON LONG ISLAND & NYC at libraries, coffeehouses, outdoors, public access TV….

We’re looking for politically LIBERAL theater folks (even if you have a background in television or films). We’d like a cultural diversity: Asian, East Indian, Native, Arab, Jewish, West Indian, African, European, Latino, etc.

ACTORS/ACTRESSES must be able to do two or more ACCENTS /DIALECTS…
Southern drawl, British accent, Valley girl, Asian accent, etc. What accents can YOU do? CELEBRITY IMPRESSIONS (IMPERSONATIONS) or CARTOON VOICES A-PLUS

Where will we perform?
1. Live over the radio airwaves & web
2. In digital studios (to make CDs)
3. ON STAGE ( also for public access TV)

* What is audio theatre or an audio play?
It’s a story with one or multiple characters, experienced through the human ears. Also called audio short stories, formerly known as radio theatre. Watch your favorite TV program; close your eyes and listen for moment. Notice how the dialogue, sound effects, and music are used. This is an example of audio movies (theatre).


We’ll be combining entertainment and education through our theater. Our plays & skits will be pro social justice, pro ecology, anti-racism (pro-humanitarian), anti-government corruption, pro peace, political satire, comedy, and human rights issues. Some plays will just be purely for fun.

Plays to counter military recruiter’s “economic-security” sales pitch for teenagers & young adults.

The Montage Radio Theatre is a non-union, volunteer community-theatre-for radio / audio.

We perform classic plays & skits (Shakespeare, H.G. Wells, Monty Python, Ernie Kovacs, Bob & Ray, etc. We also perform ORIGINAL audio plays & skits of all genres: drama, Twilight Zone-type stories, science fiction, horror, Saturday Night Live-type skits, and experimental theater. We have over 100 original scripts to choose from and perform.

Our theatre company is registered with BACCA (Babylon Arts Council). BACCA = Babylon Citizen Council on the Arts – Phone number for BACCA: (631) 661-7558.

LEASING OUR ORIGINAL SCRIPTS / PLAYS TO PERFORM (on stage, over the radio, web, etc.)

X-Cursion Media & Montage Radio Theatre original scripts can be leased by churches, businesses, organizations, public & private schools, colleges…any organization OR business. We have over 100 original scripts. Scripts of various genres and lengths. Some of our scripts are less than 2 minutes, some around 10 minutes, and there some over 30 minutes long.

The NY Solarfest, Solar Café, and Solar Community – Can YOU imagine a world that doesn’t use oil (petroleum)?

Contact Chris Castro, General Manager, Solar Community Office for more information. GO TO www.nysolarfest.org ).

Bradley Thunderbird Phoenix
African American & Native – writer-producer-director of audio movies (plays & skits)

Founder & President, X-Cursion Media & Montage Radio Theatre – Bay Shore, Long Island, NY
E-mail: info@bradleyphoenix.com – My website:
Post YOUR movie or TV reviews OR read some: www.bradleyphoenix.com/moviereviews.html
POST your progressive upcoming event at:
Post your progressive article or read some at:
You’re welcome to POST one of your poems: www.bradleyphoenix.com/pforum.html

* Convention for spoken-word artists and the public coming in the summer of 2007 – Brad Phoenix, Gen. Mgr.

www.bradleyphoenix.com – www.myspace.com/xcursion
Bay Shore, NY 11706 info@bradleyphoenix.com

OBJECTIVE: Actor – Voiceover Artist – Radio Talk Show Host – Scriptwriter
June 1977 Suffolk Community College, Selden, NY, received

an Associate of Arts Degree in General Studies.

August 1985 Cal Simmons Travel Agent School, Alexandria, VA.
April 1980 Cal U.S. Army Admin School, Ft. Jackson, Columbia, SC.
SCRIPTWRITER: Written over 100 original audio movies / audio short stories (audio plays & skits) of various lengths and genres (Twilight Zone-type plays, comedies, science fiction plays, suspense plays, Christian-theme stories, and dramas). I wrote,”The Gods in the Pentagon” a salute to the late Stanley Kubrick’s “Dr. Strangelove”. This play was performed live over the radio on Memorial Day 2002. Scripted radio promos and commercials. For a list of my original scripts GO TO: www.bradleyphoenix.com/playlist.html

ACTOR / VOICEOVER ARTIST: Narrated radio commercials and performed
promos. I’ve acted in several of my own audio short-story productions for Montage Radio Theatre. You can HEAR samples of my voiceover work and acting at: www.bradleyphoenix.com/playsandskits.html. In parentheses are the roles
I’ve played or narrated: X-Cursion Tour (promo announcer), The Terrorist Flu (news anchor), Harlan Speaks (Jerry (surfer-dude accent), Montage Western Promo
(all voices including the Lone Ranger), Jack Benny skit (Rochester), Prayer of Corporate Greed (Prophet Profit), Prevent Wild Fires (Steve and the “animated” Bear), and The Gods in the Pentagon (1940’s-style newsreel announcer).

DIRECTOR: Directed actors on stage, in recording studios, and live over
the radio & internet. I am familiar with digital editing in audio productions and committing these productions to CDs/DVDs. You can HEAR the audio plays I’ve produced and directed at www.bradleyphoenix.com/playsandskits.html

RADIO TALK SHOW HOST: Interviewed local artists in person and Hollywood celebrities via the telephone at WUSB-90.1 FM. Below is a partial list of celebrities on my radio show, the Montage Radio Arts Magazine (1997 – 2003):

Geoffrey Lewis – Actor of stage, television, and film (SEE Celestial Navigations).

Phil Proctor – Actor and member of the Firesign Theatre (www.planetproctor.com).

Amy Goodman – Journalist and host of “Democracy Now” on WBAI-99.5 FM (NYC).

Robert Groden – Wrote several books on JFK’s assassination (www.jfkmurder.com).

Dr. Charles Pellegrino – Authored “Her Name: Titanic” and consultant on Cameron’s film.

Bradley Thunderbird Phoenix – African American & Native writer-director of audio movies
Founder & President, X-Cursion Media & Montage Radio Theatre

Host of the Cablevision Public Access Television program on channel 20 entitled: X-Cursion


Bay Shore, NY 11706 info@bradleyphoenix.com

OBJECTIVE: Actor – Voiceover Artist – Radio Talk Show Host – Scriptwriter
June 1977 Suffolk Community College, Selden, NY, received an Associate of Arts Degree in General Studies.

August 1985 Cal Simmons Travel Agent School, Alexandria, VA.
April 1980 Cal U.S. Army Admin School, Ft. Jackson, Columbia, SC.
SCRIPTWRITER: Written over 100 original audio movies / audio short stories (audio plays & skits) of various lengths and genres (Twilight Zone-type plays, comedies, science fiction plays, suspense plays, Christian-theme stories, and dramas). I wrote,”The Gods in the Pentagon” a salute to the late Stanley Kubrick’s “Dr. Strangelove”. This play was performed live over the radio on Memorial Day 2002. Scripted radio promos and commercials. For a list of my original scripts GO TO: www.bradleyphoenix.com/playlist.html

ACTOR / VOICEOVER ARTIST: Narrated radio commercials and performed
promos. I’ve acted in several of my own audio short-story productions for Montage Radio Theatre. You can HEAR samples of my voiceover work and acting at: www.bradleyphoenix.com/playsandskits.html. In parentheses are the roles
I’ve played or narrated: X-Cursion Tour (promo announcer), The Terrorist Flu (news anchor), Harlan Speaks (Jerry (surfer-dude accent), Montage Western Promo
(all voices including the Lone Ranger), Jack Benny skit (Rochester), Prayer of Corporate Greed (Prophet Profit), Prevent Wild Fires (Steve and the “animated” Bear), and The Gods in the Pentagon (1940’s-style newsreel announcer).

DIRECTOR: Directed actors on stage, in recording studios, and live over
the radio & internet. I am familiar with digital editing in audio productions and committing these productions to CDs/DVDs. You can HEAR the audio plays I’ve produced and directed at www.bradleyphoenix.com/playsandskits.html

RADIO TALK SHOW HOST: Interviewed local artists in person and Hollywood celebrities via the telephone at WUSB-90.1 FM. Below is a partial list of celebrities on my radio show, the Montage Radio Arts Magazine (1997 – 2003):

Geoffrey Lewis – Actor of stage, television, and film (SEE Celestial Navigations).

Phil Proctor – Actor and member of the Firesign Theatre (www.planetproctor.com).

Amy Goodman – Journalist and host of “Democracy Now” on WBAI-99.5 FM (NYC).

Robert Groden – Wrote several books on JFK’s assassination (www.jfkmurder.com).

Dr. Charles Pellegrino – Authored “Her Name: Titanic” and consultant on Cameron’s film.

Bradley Thunderbird Phoenix – African American & Native writer-director of audio movies
Founder & President, X-Cursion Media & Montage Radio Theatre

Host of the Cablevision Public Access Television program on channel 20 entitled: X-Cursion

3 Responses

  1. My name is Jihad Abdo. I am a successful Syrian actor, and I have performed in several Syrian shows.

    Recently, I performed in the multinational film “Valley of the wolves” (2006 ) with my friend Gassan Massoud who played Saladin in the movie Kingdom of Haven. and Billy zein and other American actors.

    Though I am enjoying pleasant success in the middle east, I am hoping to continue acting in other films, or TV. Shows like this all over the world.

    I have heard about you, and about your great business, and I believe I have certain skills and experiences that you would be interested in.

    Please contact me, or let me know if there is something you can help me whith. I will put the link to my website.

    Thank you
    Jihad Abdo http://www.jihadabdo.net

  2. I am a 9 year old girl named Anisah. I live in South Carolina and I’ve always dreamed of being in a movie. I can act, sing, and model. Please reply.


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