Who’s Harassing Who?
Reverend Billy in The Tombs tonight
Konstantin Sergeyev
Friday night we gathered in Union Square for Critical Mass. Reverend Billy and I began to recite and preach the First Amendment to the NYPD, who were, as usual, gathered in force on the East side of the park. I began to circle a group of officers, commissioner types in bad suits and carrying very petite guns. They told me I had been warned, that they were having a “meeting” and I needed to move away. How far? I asked, this far? This far, he said. Show me where, I said. 20 feet, they said, No 25, behind that crack.
Billy walked up, and our combined volume drove the gathering of important officers away. Billy moved in and was approached immediately by several important officers, who threatened him with arrest, On what charge? he asked Harassment, they said. Harassment? he said What’s that? A minute later he was in handcuffs. All the while he and I continued to recite the First Amendment. After he was removed I was joined a large number of riders. Read More…
Filed under: Action Alert!, activism, Art, cynthia mckinney, grassroots democracy, New York State Politics, Recommended Poetry, social & economic justice Tagged: | book of the month, Harry Potter
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