The True Adventures of the Slightly World-Renowned Lesbian Playwright
Who Ran for Congress
“Baum is a lesbian Woody Allen.” SF Chronicle
“Baum has abundant charisma. Her journey from outraged citizen
to inspired politician…has real resonance.” SF Weekly
August 11, 12, 17 & 19
For tickets ($15) and info:
212 270-4488
Terry Baum’s show “Baum for Peace” or The True Adventures of the Slightly World-Renowned Lesbian Playwright Who Ran for Congress, which ran last summer in SF, her hometown. Terry Baum is an established lesbian playwright for 30 years, who ran for congress, and then wrote a play about it!
It’s a mostly one-woman (and sometimes a guy) show about her ’04 GREEN
Congressional campaign against Pelosi, how Terry decided to leave the dems
and become green, her fight to get on the ballot (yes, even in San Francisco), etc. It’s a wonderful personal show with some great funny songs and poignant political angst that make you feel great to be GREEN and inspired to keep on keepin’ on.
Related Posts:
Related Article: Ballot Access: Struggle and Opportunities, by Kimberly Wilder, Green Pages, Volume 8: Issue 4
Filed under: 9-11, Anti-War, Art, events, Green Party Websites, international politics, media, Our Favorite Radio Stations, reform, third party, US Politics Tagged: | third parties, vegetarien
Baum for Peace has another performance on Saturday, August 25 at 4PM. The show has been wonderfully received and is a must for Greens and anyone in favor of fair ballot access!