Richard Winger had an excellent article and chart in his Ballot Access News on how in the last 150 years there would have only been at most 7 candidates in a debate based on the Rock the Debates criteria of being able to achieve a majority of Electoral votes.
from http://rockthedebates.org/
Rock the Debates is a 527 devoted to opening the debates up to all candidates, we are non-partisan
Never before in American history has it been more vital to have an open, honest, and innovative examination of America’s problems and solutions.
The best way to sparking the minds of Americans is to open up the presidential debates beyond the Democrat and Republican parties. Rock-the-Debates seeks to include third parties who will energize the presidential debates placing their ideas into the mix, without endorsing or opposing any particular candidate. We just want the ideas out and let the American people decide.
You can play a key role in this unprecedented, historical endeavor.
The idea is to get the Democrat and Republican presidential candidates to commit to debate third party candidates.
How? We’ll ask them to debate, get the clip on video, and place it on You-Tube. Folks in places like New Hampshire can play a key, historic, pivotal role in making this happen.
Related post:
Filed under: 9-11, Action Alert!, Anti-War, election, elections, film, Our Favorite Radio Stations, Political Websites, presidential race, reform, third party, US Politics, video Tagged: | Debates, third parties, UFPJ, vegetarien
Obama sure is good at dodging questions….
My apologies. I shoulda given you props for turning me on to the Obama video. I had put the Hillary one up earlier but had not checked back until I had seen the post on your blog with the updated list of videos.
Oh, no complaints here! As long as we spread the word and expose the corporate candidates for what they really are. Corporate lackeys with one primary objective: self-perpetuation.
I came, I saw, I took another post over to Wingnuts & Moonbats.
The CPD & the major parties are too used to getting their way on this issue. I don’t even expect the ones who’ve said yes to honor that commitment when the time comes (either by standing by it themselves if they get the nomination, or by urging the pair who do to do the right thing.) Just because it’s in the interest of the American people doesn’t mean it’s in the interest of the major parties or candidates.
These are the same folks who wouldn’t let Nader sit in the audience at one of their debates…
Excellent!! Belated linked to The Hankster! Thanks!