Green Party Jennings running for Annapolis Alderman
The Maryland Green Party is running a candidate in a special city council election this December 19 in the state capital, Annapolis. The Ward Two Alderman for the City of Annapolis resigned in the middle of his term, and Karen Jennings, a Green Party organizer since 1996 and dedicated community activist, is running to fill the position. The election will be a three way race between Ms. Jennings and the Democratic and Republican candidates.Jennings’s platform includes such issues as establishing a clear line of communication between Ward 2 neighborhoods and city hall, ensuring that new development meets the needs of the community, promoting green buildings and technology, and developing a community policing approach to crime prevention.
Due to the timing and nature of this election, there is likely to be a low voter turnout. This means that a small number of votes can win the election, making this a very winnable race in a high profile city. We need financial support from Greens nationwide, however, to help cover the costs of literature and mailings. Please send checks today to “Jennings for Annapolis” and mail to P.O. Box 2230, Annapolis MD 21404. The campaign has imposed a $100 limit per
For more details, see
More Green wins in November 6 local elections
15 Green candidates, out of 94 who ran on November 6, won their races for local office. A total of 142 Greens ran for public office in the 2007 off-year elections.
“We’re very proud of all our 2007 candidates. Along with our winners, we also note that Green candidates who didn’t win received impressive percentages in cities and towns where Greens are still a new party, or where local politics have been dominated by a single party, as in Baltimore and Tucson. These percentages prove that more and more Americans are willing to vote Green, and that the party made a leap forward in 2007,” said TE Smith, a member of the DC Statehood Green Party.
GREEN VICTORIES on November 6:
Larry Bragman and Lew Tremain were re-elected to the Fairfax City Council. Mr. Bragman finished first with 1,322 votes or 40.74%, and Mr. Tremain finished second with 969 votes or 29.66 %. Three candidates competed for two seats.
. Alan Brison scored an upset victory in his race for Ward 10 Alderman in New Haven. Mr. Brison beat his competition by 100 votes in the East Rock and Cedar Hill neighborhoods.
. Jean deSmet was elected First Selectman of the town of Windham. (At 9:30 pm on Tuesday, Ms.deSmet was 120 votes ahead of the Democrat and far ahead of the Republican.) Ms. deSmet is also co-chair of the Green Party of Connecticut.
. Write-in candidate Lief Smith won his race for Redding Constable.
. Hector Lopez (incumbent) and Erik Eisenberg were elected to Constable positions in New Canaan, among six candidates running for six positions. Mr. Lopez finished fifth with 748 votes and Erik finished sixth with 645 votes.
. The Illinois Green Party met the early filing deadline on November 6 for placing presidential, congressional, and other candidates on the ballot for the state’s February 5 primary. In 2006, Illinois Greens who their ballot line, overcoming difficult ballot access rules and obstruction efforts by Gov. Rod Blagojevich, who used $800,000 in taxpayers’ money trying to block the Green Party.
Green gubernatorial candidate Rich Whitney drew over 10% in 2006, more than twice Illinois’ 5% requirement to maintain ballot access. According to Phil Huckelberry, chair of the Illinois Green Party’s government and elections committee, the party has set a goal of having 100 to 110 state and local candidates on ballots in 2008.
For more information on Illinois Green races, contact Mr. Huckelberry at 309-268-9974 or
. John Anton won his race for Portland City Council. Mr. Anton finished first among four candidates for two at-large seats, drawing 6,320 votes or 29.04%.
Dan Robinson won his race for Tacoma Park Town Council Ward 3. He finished first of two candidates for one seat with 234 votes or 67.6%.
. Chuck Turner easily won reelection to Boston City Council (District 7) with 81% of the vote. . Luc Schuster won reelection to the Cambridge School Committee, finishing fourth out of nine candidates for six seats. Mr. Schuster received 1,658 first place votes.
. Sam Ettaro won as a write-in candidate for Curwensville Borough in Clearfield County.
. Three Virginia Green were elected to local Soil and Water Conservation Boards: Chris Simmons in Loudon County; Kathleen Harrigan (write-in) for the Tri-County Soil and Water commission in Fredericksburg; and Daniel Metraux in Staunton. For more details go to
New Mexico Qualified for Ballot Access 2008
The New Mexico Green Party will be on the ballot in 2008. On November 12th, the NM Secretary of State notified the New Mexico Green Party that they will continue to qualify as a minor party for the 2008 election cycle. This ensures that the Green Party Presidential Candidate will be on the ballot. It also means that Congressional candidates will need to gather apx. 2000 signatures to get on the ballot, instead of having to circulate party qualifying petitions simultaneously. The party is currently recruiting candidates to run for office at the local, state and federal level.
Congrats New Mexico Greens!
Filed under: Green Party Websites, News, US Politics
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