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Video: Kucinich says the truth – that it’s all a lie

[and, then, he is forced to retract his statement. Is this why he can’t run for President? Or, did knowing he was going to withdraw make him feel empowered (at first) to tell the truth?]


Mini-rush-transcript (had to listen several times and type fast)

Dennis Kucinich is recognized for 1 minute. He says:

A Center for Public Integrity report released today says that the Bush administration used “erroneous information that it methodically propagated” to bring the country to war. In short, the President and the Vice President lied and 4,000 of our soldiers died. The President and Vice President lied, and a million innocent Iraqis died in a war that would cost us 2 trillion dollars, while people here in the states are losing their jobs, their healthcare, their homes, their dignity. Lies are weapons of mass destruction. Lies are also an impeachable offense. Monday, January 28th is the State of the Union. We already know the State of the Union: It’s a lie. We must re-establish truth as the state of our union. So, on that day, I will introduce articles of impeachment against our President.

Kucinich goes on to quote the Bible verse, “You shall know the truth, and the truth shall set you free.” He says, “If impeachment is off the table, then truth is off the table.” And, he says that the Congress must impeach in order to set things back on a path of freedom again.

Then, there is a lot of milling about. On the video above, it is fast-forwarded, because the video person had to make it fit into his 10 minute time slot. Another blogger mused about, who is saying what to Kucinich off-camera? And, the blogger also suggests that C-Span is not allowed to control their own cameras. (Is that true?) Then, Kucinich comes up again and asks to withdraw the “offending words”, and to revise and extend his comments. A Republican first objects, and then just lectures Kucinich. Republican Cliff Stearns of the 6th District of Florida tells Kucinich that he has commited a “violation of house rules” and that “both sides here attempt to restore civility, calmness here, with legitimate debate.”

(I think that means that everyone has to drink the President’s Kool-aid…)

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