by Ian Wilder
one kid reading
four poems into the local publication party
for his first full length book
the reader apologizes for the repetition
in the next piece
>>>>in used bookstore
>>>>the woman in the brown coat
>>>>searches through piles of books
>>>>to tell the man with her
>>>> that she loves him more than anything
>>>>and that pains her
reading quicker and quicker
stanza after villanelle stanza
mixture of the same characters
until the woman loves herself most
circling around the back of the reading
I whisper to a friend
whether the quickening style
reminds her of post-Seder
sweet wine singing
>>>>one Kid, one kid
>>>>which my father bought for 2 zuzim
>>>>chad gad yu, chad gad yu
which increases stanza length
and speed
one character at a time
through cats & dogs,
a butcher and the angel of death
until it reaches the Lord
who I learned at this reading
is a lonely consumer (fixture?) of daytime TV
and confuser (trickster) of an OK hitchhiker
I stop my whispering
as I hear the poet’s son
start to give what I thought
was the promised introduction
to the title poem
as I regained my vantage point
I realized the poet was sitting down
and 11-year-old Ted Wallace
was unexpectedly reading
the title poem itself
about how we move through life
with the poise of his father
Filed under: Recommended Poetry
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