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McKinney 4 Prez: Double, No, Triple Your Contribution, This Week

from Issue #8, May 19th, 2008 , The Power to the People Committee, Cynthia McKinney for President Weekly Update.

Mr. Rich Whitney, noted Green Party member and candidate for Governor of Illinois in 2006, proved in his historic campaign two years ago what dedicated political activists can accomplish with their trend setting election results: a 2008 ballot line in Illinois.

Last fall, Rich became an immediate and loyal supporter of our Power To The People Committee, Cynthia McKinney for President. Today his campaign is offering to leverage his campaign surplus by offering a challenge grant to each of you.

If you contribute this week, May 19-26, to Power To The People Committee, Cynthia McKinney for President, Rich’s campaign committee has offered to match your contribution, dollar-for-dollar, up to $250. That means if you live in a state other than California, New York, Oregon, Illinois or Texas, (the five states who have reached their $5000 Federal Matching Funds qualifying threshold) you can double your contribution to this campaign right now by going online to http://supporters.runcynthiarun.org/whitney_challenge/supporters.cgi and helping us secure this challenge pledge. Or, you may mail your contribution to Power To The People Committee, Cynthia
McKiney for President, Post Office Box 311759, Atlanta, GA 31131-1759. your contribution must be postmarked between May 19-26, 2008 to meet the challenge. (Due to contribution limits,
his campaign can only match the first $2,300 in qualifying donations).

By helping add your state to the list of twenty states needed to qualify us as eligible for Federal Matching Funds, you help us triple your contribution as well.

— Progress Report on Federal Matching Eligibility —

Maryland and New Jersey are now in play!
Will your state be next?

Here are new preliminary numbers on our progress through the end of April. Five states have raised enough to qualify us so far:

New York,
and Texas.

Our appreciation as well to these states whose residents have already given $1,000 or more and are on their way towards that goal, including two new states (Maryland and New Jersey) which crested their first $1,000 this past month:

D.C. ($3.3k),
*Florida ($2.2k),
*Massachusettes ($1.8k),
*Maryland ($1.1k),
*Maine ($1.5k),
*Michigan ($2.5k),
*Minnesota ($3.2k),
*New Jersey ($3.1k),
Oklahoma ($1k),
*Washington ($2.7k)
and Wisconsin ($1.6k).

(Unaudited figures current through April 30th, 2008; * indicates change since last month).

The Campaign will no longer be eligible for Primary Season Matching Funds after the July Convention in Chicago.

So please act now! Help this campaign continue.

— Delegate Update —

With 17 states reporting, McKinney now has 167 delegates out of the 377 that have been awarded for the Green Party National Convention in Chicago, July 12. We still have nearly two months until the Chicago Convention, with many states yet to hold their caucuses. We’re urging supporters particularly in those states where Convention delegates have not yet been instructed to use our volunteer form and let us know how you’d like to help build this campaign in your community.

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