Posted by Kimberly Wilder:
Wow! I have to say, I did not realize that candidates have two chances to qualify for Federal Matching Funds. I always heard the part that if a candidate receives 5% in the general election, that candidate could receive matching funds. Though, I did not realize that candidates could receive matching funds in the primary season.
So, all of the Green Party candidates (Jesse Johnson, Cynthia McKinney, Kent Mesplay, and Kat Swift) and any other third party candidates who have not had their conventions yet (wonder if that applies to any, still?) could receive federal funds, if they achieve a certain goal before their party’s primary.
Here’s the goal: If a candidate for U.S. President receives $5,000.00 (five thousand dollars) in donations in 20 states before the primary, they may be eligible for federal matching funds.
Cynthia McKinney, a Green Party candidate for President, thinks she can do it. And, her campaign team has brought her well on the path to her goal. She has until July 12th, when the Green Party makes its nomination, to meet the goal.
If you live in one of the following states, your state is on the way to helping. If you could give a chunk of money, and spread the word to activist family and friends in your state, you might be able to push Cynthia McKinney over the top.
The states in play for matching funds, in alphabetical order, are:
New Jersey
Please, motivate your friends in these states to contribute to the Cynthia McKinney, Power to the People, campaign.
(States which have already achieved the $5,000.00 goal are: California, Illinois, Michigan, New York, Oregon and Texas. If you live in one of those states, please consider an e-mail to friends in the “almost there” list above.)
Each donation up to $250.00 qualifies to help the matching funds goal along. (And, the campaign will also take individual contributions up to $2,300.00)
You can make a donation on-line at
Or, you can write a check to:
Power to the People Committee
Cynthia McKinney for President
Joan Christian, Treasurer
P.O. Box 311759
Atlanta Georgia 31131-1759
Please note that political contributions are not tax deductible. For more information , contact the treasurer.
Disclaimer: This announcement is my personal wish and opinion. But, to clarify, this blog name is paid for by me, Kimberly Wilder. And, the labor on this blog and this post is donated.
Note: Thanks to someone in D.C. whose name I forgot who sent the photo along months ago when the D.C. Statehood Green Party held their presidential forum. The photo includes some of the Green Party presidential candidates, and some of the speakers for the evening.
Background and Details
Want to know more? Or, check my facts? Here are some facts and figures:
The FEC web-site explains Primary Matching Funds here.
Here is the announcement from the runcynthiarun web-site, including how much each of the “almost there” states has raised so far:
Please help Cynthia qualify for Primary Campaign Matching Funds!
Cynthia has worked for our communities for years. She’s spoken out with courage, asked the difficult questions, raised the unpopular issues, challenged the criminal acts of the Bush administration, and so much more. She served six terms in the Congress, survived reapportionments, came back from a defeat engineered with a malicious cross over vote in Georgia’s open primaries.
With your help, Cynthia McKinney can now qualify as eligible for Federal matching campaign funds for the Primary season. To do so, she must certify that she has met the “threshold requirement” for eligibility by raising at least $5,000 in each of at least 20 states. While any contribution up to $2,300 per donor is welcome in support of this campaign, only the first $250 of each individual contribution counts toward that total.
Consequently, the Power to the People Campaign has set a goal of raising $100,000 in qualifying contributions as our first step in launching this campaign to elect Cynthia McKinney the 44th President of the United States. With your help we can achieve that end. Please use our donor form to make as generous a donation as you can. Then send all of your friends, coworkers and neighbors to this site asking that they match or exceed your donation.
Help us expeditiously put this first campaign milestone behind us, so we can get on with the business of getting Cynthia on fifty-one ballots and reaching out to the voters of this nation who are ready for a Green alternative to the wars being waged both at home and abroad by the War Parties and their candidates. Our communities deserve no less.
Thanks Michigan for that Final Push!
Will your state help make this happen?
Time is running short. please write.
We want to help you deliver results!
Here are new preliminary numbers on our progress through the end of May. Supporters in six states have raised $5k or more to qualify us so far: California, Michigan, New York, Oregon, Illinois and Texas.
These states’ residents have already given $1,000 or more and are on their way towards that goal:
*D.C. ($3.5k),
*Florida ($2.3k),
Massachusetts ($1.8k),
*Maryland ($1.2k),
*Maine ($2.1k),
*Minnesota ($3.8k),
*New Jersey ($3.6k),
Oklahoma ($1k),
Washington ($2.7k) and
*Wisconsin ($1.8k).
Arizona and Iowa are the next closest to entering the running at the $1k level. (Unaudited figures current through May 31st, 2008; * indicates change since last month).
Filed under: Anti-War, cynthia mckinney, election, elections, green, Green Party Websites, More Events Calendars, Political Websites, presidential race, progressive politics, third party, US Politics Tagged: | Arizona, D.C., Federal funds, Florida, iowa, Maine, maryland, massachusetts, Minnesota, new jersey, Oklahoma, third parties, Washington, wisconsin
[…] the part that if a candidate receives 5% in the general election, that candidate could receive match leave thousands left without power in Albany WALB AlbanyAlbany — The aftermath of Monday […]
[…] Kimberly Wilder says any of the Green Party presidential candidates could do this, but she’s rooting for Cynthia McKinney: […]